Author Topic: Filtering on Empty Folders  (Read 16649 times)


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Filtering on Empty Folders
« on: January 21, 2014, 19:43:26 »
I have a bit of a situation where a PROJECT folder has more "empty" folders that it does actual files.  Due to resistance from a very adamant few, I cannot DELETE these in favor of a "uniform" file structure.  This is the truth but it is really a bit tongue in cheek as the "file structure" have very few files!  ::)

Can I get MC to filter on EMPTY Folders or at least have these folders appear in a different color?  Also, my definition of an empty Folder is a Folder WITH ZERO files in sub-folders as well.

I am on my last hope as I spend more time clicking on empty folders than I spend working!

Mathias (Author)

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Re: Filtering on Empty Folders
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2014, 07:36:19 »
You can click on calculcate folder size (shift+alt+return) and it will show the size of the folder.

File Coloring can not detect if a folder is empty since that require scanning of the folder structure, and not a property of the file/folder.
But if the empty folders always are the same you can edit the file coloring rules and create a rule for "Possible Empty Folder" and match those folders by name.

And you can also add the folders by name to the ViewFilter so they are filtered out and not shown at all.