Multi Commander > Beta Releases
Multi Commander 4.2 Beta
Mathias (Author):
New MultiScript functions
<str> PathMakeRelativeMC( <str> )
Convert path to a relative path. (Relative to where MC is installed)
<str> PathMakeAbsoluteMC(<str>)
Convert a relative to absolute path. (the relative path is assumes to be relative to MC)
<str> PathTranslatePath(<str>)
Translate path, Support both Relative to absolute and environmental tags ( eg %WINDIR% ) and ${mcpath} tag
<str> TranslateEnvString( <str> )
Translate a string that have environmental tags in it.
"Path to Windows is : %WINDIR%" => "Path to Windows is : C:\Windows"
Previously when I clicked the path bar on the active pane I could get my favorites/quick paths list up.
Doesn't seem to want to do that now - 4.2 b1669
Is it just me or is something broken?
Good to see some cool new script features appearing. :D
Mathias (Author):
It must be just you :) because it is still there. But you must right click on "empty" area. (Unless you reconfigured in under mouse settings in the Explorer Panel)
Yep, it is back now (after a reboot) I tried every click possible on that field & only got the path to hi-lite.....another computer thing to file under weird! :o ::)
Just installed b1671 & my favorites via click is gone again.
Had some weird permissions & sharing errors dialogs appear on file move & rename ops until I rebooted ???
Reboot hasn't brought the favorites back to the path field this time :(
All MC files are whitelisted, I cleaned the cache etc in Win as a precaution, & I'm always running as Admin.
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