Multi Commander > Beta Releases

MDV find field MC 4.5.1768

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Mathias (Author):
Ahh that is because you select the "global" command to view the file.. not the "search extensions" view command. (F3)
If you had run commander styled setup they would have been the same and search extension would have overtaken the global one..

I will check if I can make the search extension use the same shortcut as the global. Have some faith memory of it that it is not possible. or some issue with it but don't recall..

I recall you mentioning that the find dialog functioned differently from the regular operations.
Now I know why it has happened, I can adjust the way I use the functions, so if it cannot be altered it's not too big a problem  :D
Didn't realize the Commander interface had some over-riding under the hood functions that are so different.


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