Multi Commander > Beta Releases

Multi Commander v5.1 RC

<< < (3/3)

When I read that CHANGE I was thinking that it was the Windows ext settings, not the internal MC settings, that had been altered.  ::)
I didn't think of the MC FileType setup as I have rarely used that in the past, (but I really should have as it is a useful extra layer). Swapping notepad for notepad++ & adding some file types was the main thing I changed.

I can see the problem of MCViewer or not as default, I also wondered where the native image display was sometimes but as normally I use MC with irfanview it hadn't been an issue. 
The MC viewer is definitely better as default for a portable install for me at least.

Shows there are many features I have not explored fully in MC!
But Thanks Mathias - now I know how to change it as req'd  ;D


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