Author Topic: Language editor - proposal to add one function  (Read 14315 times)

Lukasz S.

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Language editor - proposal to add one function
« on: April 20, 2015, 22:21:47 »

I've got one request regarding language editor, right now to see latest translation we need to wait next beta or final release or simply copy language file to pendrive and go to other PC and apply it manually.

Is there a possibility to add a button with option "Update" which download from the server latest translation?
Sometimes it happens that translators (for example me) find some mistake, correct it and upload to server and such situation could persist few days or weeks till users see corrected translation (in the meantime you or translator can get a lot of mails with info about mistake). MC could check if there is new translatian and download it automatically or just ask what to do.

Polish translator
Lukasz S.