Multi Commander > Beta Releases
Multi Commander 6.2 BETA
Mathias (Author):
The following fixes/changes since v6.1
110+ Changes
-- Build 2144 RC ( 2016-05-05 )
FIXED - Search Dialog will disable it self during search
FIXED - Content search will stop searching faster if stop command is issued
FIXED - Issue with binary content search that hanged searched in some situations.
FIXED - Call Unpack from script will now only unpack browsable files.
ADDED - CustomCommand "MC.CloseAllTabs" have a new option paramter "DONOTASK", This will prevent confirm dialog for locked tabs.
FIXED - 1 rare stability issue
-- Build 2140 ( 2016-04-30 )
CHANGE- Pack/Unpack now also use the new way to initialize file operations
FIXED - Unpacking password protected 7Zip from script now works better
ADDED - Unpacking Zip file with wrong password will now ask again for password
FIXED - Fixed issue with search and content search
FIXED - 2 Rare stability issues.
FIXED - Many internal changes.
-- Build 2135 ( 2016-04-23 )
CHANGE- Major rewrite how Copy/Move file operation are initialized (From copy/move button is pressed until copy/move is started)
ADDED - Temporary tweak setting in core setting, that will enable the old code path for starting copy/move (just in case)
ADDED - MultiScript functions for using the Advanced Filter engine from script.
(FilterCreate, FilterLoad, FilterLoadById, FilterSave, FilterAddRule, FilterIsMatch)
ADDED - ShellContext menu 'new' updated to work with the new way program can register for this. (Like newer MS Office do)
CHANGE- Drag on Drop to same location will show the drop popup menu
FIXED - Holding ctrl and starting a drag/drop operation now works better.
FIXED - FindFiles content search could crash in very rare situations.
FIXED - Defining an empty array in MultiScript was not empty. Has 1 item, (that was unassigned)
Major rewrite of Initialize of Copy/Move Operation
This release contains a major rewrite of how copy/move operation are initiated and queued.
For example everything from when you press F5/F2 to start copy, until the file operation is actually queued. Like how the dialog works and how it finds settings and and how it queues file operations and lots of other minor boring details are changed.
It is not something that you will notice, since it is still the same UI (dialog) But under the hood everything is changed.
and hopefully I have not broken anything.
BUT if I have.. There is a temporary settings in Core Settings that will enable the old code path instead.
You find it under the "Tweaking" section in the FileSystem Tab. But hopefully you will not need that.
Filters and MultiScript
The advanced Filters can now be used by MultiScript
For example this script till get all item items from the source panel.
and it then creates a filter that will match the Fullname and using 'Contains' matching with "Frog"
When done it will then set all the matching items as selected.
You can add many rules to a filter just like in the Advanced Filter setup.
You can also Load existing filters by ID or save/load to/from file.
--- Code: ---@var $matches[];
@var $items = GetSourceItems(1);
@var $hFilter = FilterCreate();
FilterAddRule( $hFilter , "Fullname" , "Contains" , "Frog" );
@var $cnt = arrayCount($items)
for( $i = 0; $i < $cnt; $i++)
$item = $items[$i];
if(FilterIsMatch($hFilter, $item))
$item = PathGetNamePart($item);
arrayAdd($matches , $item);
SetSourceSelected($matches, 1);
--- End code ---
Filter Script function are.
<handle> FilterCreate();
<num> FilterAddRule( <handle> , <Field to match> , <Match Type>, <Value> , [ Optional, set to 1 to invert rule)
<handle> FilterLoad( <filename> );
<handle> FilterLoadById( <guid of advacned id> );
<num> FilterSave( <filename> );
<num> FilterIsMatch( <handle> , <full path to file> ); // return 1 for a match, 0 for not a match
The Field / Match type for FilterAddRule are the names you see in the Advacned Filter dialog.. I will input the exact one here later
Mathias (Author):
MultiScript function FilterAddRule( <handle> filterHandle, <str> field , <str> matchType, <str> matchValue, (Optional, default 0)<num> InvertRule 1/0);
field can be
"extendedproperty" - (not fully supported yet)
MatchType can be
"is" ( if field is text or number, eg filename or size )
"lessthan" ( if field is number, eg size )
"morethan" ( if field is number, eg size )
"wildcard" ( if field is text type )
"beginwith" ( if field is text type )
"endwith" ( if field is text type )
"before" ( if field is date )
"after" ( if field is date )
"has" ( if field is attribute )
"hasnot" ( if field is attribute )
"regex" ( if field is text type )
"hex" ( if field is filecontent )
UnRAR weirdness
using MC 6.2 b2140 on w7x64 I had a strange event.
I have a button with the folowing code
--- Code: ---MC.Explorer.Select FILTER="*.rar"
MC.Filesystem.Unpack TARGET=${sourcepath} FILTER="*.*"
--- End code ---
Normally I only click this when a pane is active/open with RARs in it, today I accidentally still had focus on a folder with some .mp4s when I clicked it. ::)
The unpacking dialog opened & the process began to copy the .mp4s to the dir above e.g. -
unpack d:\video\xyz.mp4 to d:\xyz.mp4
It would have continued with all the folder contents had I not canceled-but cancelling caused MC to CTD.
(hope I have posted in correct thread!)
Thanks for the filter to MS capability Mathias. Will need some time to play with that. Has great potential ;)
Mathias (Author):
Latest Beta the Unpack/Pack is also using the new way to initilize copy.
(Ops I forgot to include Latest beta history above)
Using them from script something might not be set correct. I will check
Hmm, Not sure I understand what goes wrong
You had xzy.mp4 selected, And you run you command that select *.rar and then calls unpack ?
but it did not unpack selected files, but instead try to unpack the mp4 file ?
I had the wrong pane selected, my cursor bar was on the <-.. space at the top of a dir that contained .mp4s.
I clicked my custom button & the unpacker started to process all the files in that folder - but they are all .mp4 not .RARs. :o
Nonetheless I ended up with copies of several files.
It is also odd that those files were written one dir level above, normally this command will extract to the source folder, & instead of asking for overwrite etc MC wrote copies elsewhere.
My other open pane was the one with the .rar. That was where I meant to click... :-[ :)
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