Multi Commander > Beta Releases

Multi Commander 6.4.6 BETA

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Mathias (Author):
New minor update with only fixed

 13 Changes

Release v6.4.6 (Build 2246) ( 16-Aug-2016 )
FIXED - Start with a ExplorerPanel showing the root of REG: now works again
FIXED - Items sometimes got selected when activating application.
FIXED - Focus was sometimes lost if focus was changed during filesystem scan
FIXED - Crash that could happen if item was removed after filesystem scan, But before UI had refreshed.
FIXED - 1 stability issue

Hi Mathias.

I have updated and begun testing...

I can confirm the "REG: at root" locking issues is fixed - thanks for that.

But 2246 does not identify itself as a Beta...?

Mathias (Author):

--- Quote from: AlanJB on August 16, 2016, 12:54:21 ---But 2246 does not identify itself as a Beta...?

--- End quote ---

I know.. Since this is a minor 'dot' release.. I might push this out. So I did not want to set beta on it.

I bet myself you would say that ;)  Thanks - no issues at all so far.

Have you considered taking a day of rest and NOT touching the keyboard at all? :)

Mathias (Author):

--- Quote from: AlanJB on August 16, 2016, 15:36:39 ---Have you considered taking a day of rest and NOT touching the keyboard at all? :)

--- End quote ---
I have :) But the weather been crap. And when it been crappy, I done some programming instead. Next week my normal work starts again. And I will be a lot more busy again.
But I will try to plan out some the the next bigger features until then, If I do the boring work of designing and planing out what needs to be done it will make it easier to implement it with the limited time I will have.


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