Multi Commander > Beta Releases

MultiCommander v7.1

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thanks for the feedback.

To answer AlanJB - yes the AV is TrendMicro. Unfortunately it's not in my hands to change the AV.

I guess you could report the false positive, but don't hold your breath for a quick fix.

In the quick bit of research I did on your behalf, I found over 1700 reports of the issue affecting many programs going back to 2014 and as recently as March this year :(

It is this version where copy queue was released? I didn't notice at before. Cool stuff!

Mathias (Author):

--- Quote from: Suncatcher on May 17, 2017, 16:15:02 ---It is this version where copy queue was released? I didn't notice at before. Cool stuff!

--- End quote ---
No, been in there since before public v1.0 :)

 :D Anyway, cool. Strange but it never proposed me to add file to copy queue. Maybe this functionality was hidden deep.


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