Multi Commander > Beta Releases
Dialog sizing & columns
I have noticed that since 7.3 bd2532 I need to use the 'restore columns' command after every reboot & in most/all tabs.
Additionally the mass-rename dialog will not save its' state.
This is a bit annoying for long names as it shifts the column width back to the left (see pic) & shrinks the whole dialog to a default size window everytime I re-open it. ::)
Just me?
Mathias (Author):
The MultiRename window do not remember sizes and never have. And it might do it in the future, but not now
For the normal list explorer panel.. there are some changes there.. but I can see any issue where it does not keep the size..
What column settings are you using autoresize column on ? other settings .. added any special columns ?
Thanks for reply Mathias.
Hmmm well I previously had a rename dialog which would make some allowance for name string length when it always seemed to anyway.
These 2 pics show what I have now vs what I *remember* having before. One squashed to left + one as I expect it to be.
Pic 3 - This is the setting for my columns, I made it global default once I had my widths set. ('Details' view is my default option.)
I have found in the past that columns would resize, (ref -,1919.msg7298.html#msg7298) this is the first time I've had it really scrambled & sometimes adding whitespace on the right squashing the other columns randomly.
Mathias (Author):
--- Quote from: Ulfhednar on June 13, 2017, 14:26:26 ---Pic 3 - This is the setting for my columns, I made it global default once I had my widths set. ('Details' view is my default option.)
I have found in the past that columns would resize, (ref -,1919.msg7298.html#msg7298) this is the first time I've had it really scrambled & sometimes adding whitespace on the right squashing the other columns randomly.
--- End quote ---
I can't make the explorer panel mess up anything with columns. And that is just the default columns (?)
And not entire sure what you mean size issue you see..
Before, in some situation the name columns should move 25px (or the width of the vertical scrollbar) and the other column would get their share of that size to even the columns out if starting up with a folder that had vertical scroll.
Thanks Mathias, these are 2 pics of MC after startup (+cold boot), #1 is how it loaded, #2 is how it is once I rmb & 'restore'.
This time it isn't much but it is still something I don't think should occur + I haven't resized the main window.
For the rename dialog - the pics in the post above show that the column width divider goes far left as default, previously it would be more like a 50/50 split between the old & new name fields. Now I have a big whitespace field that is irritating for long name view.
I wonder if it is related to the VGA driver, I know sometimes a 'tweak' by the manufacturer in there can be a root cause of dialog draw issues.
I updated that recently, now using nvda 382.53-desktop-win8-win7-64bit-international-whql.
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