Multi Commander > Script

Compress (zip) Folder with todays date and time in the filename

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Mathias (Author):
MC.Filesystem.Unpack Is already there

You can also copy using the Unpack fileoperation plugin. or browse into the zip as it was a folder and copy.

OK, I had just guessed that might be the command given MC.Filesystem.PackFiles. 
Do you intend to add switches to that command, or are they also there already?
Be helpful to have the Unpack & Pack script variables in this thread to keep us going until the script docs get an update.  (& I'm guessing you have added quite a few scripting commands in the last few builds)

Going OT
I tried this on a button, & got a Failed to find file msg.

--- Code: ---"C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe x *.zip -aoa"
--- End code ---
Its unclear to me if this is the exe or the zip as 7Zip does accept a wildcard in the cmd-line.

Mathias (Author):
The list of all the parameters are shown in the editor for a User Defined commands for "Custom Command" type

Thanks Mathias.

I tried a few variations but all I can do is invoke the native unpacker from a button, maybe I have forgotten how to do this  :-[
Using the custom commands dialog & one of the following strings -

--- Code: ---MC.Filesystem.Unpack TARGET=${sourcepath} FILTER="*.rar"
--- End code ---
selecting a file then clicking the button makes a dialog flash up but does not work, I am missing something  ::)

Mathias (Author):
Filter is for the files you unpack. So this should be *.* if you want to unpack all the files in the archive

Don't think you need to set it if it should unpack all


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