Author Topic: Support for other OS's  (Read 20043 times)


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Support for other OS's
« on: August 30, 2011, 12:13:14 »
How about supporting MAC OSX or even linux?
Why stick with Windows?

MC has great potentials compared with the old NC or even WC/TC.

On Mac there are some initiatives but they are limited (muC or MC) or buggy.


Mathias (Author)

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Re: Support for other OS's
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2011, 17:13:20 »
I would very much like to create a Multi Commander for linux and OSX.

But the problem is that OSX , Linux and Windows all have different model for how working with files works. And how the GUI works.
So creating a version for linux or OSX is not an easy task. I would require a lot of work and then I would not have any time over for creating new features for the current Windows Version.

So right now the will not be a Linux or OSX version.


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Re: Support for other OS's
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2013, 23:20:18 »
Dear Mathias, you don't have to compile native Mac/Linux packages, there's a compatibilty layer called wine, so these aforementioned OS's (and BSD's too) are able to run Windows software (for example: Total and Unreal commanders can run this way). Perhaps a little code tweaking needed, as MC refused to run on wine 1.4 (I've sent crash report about an hour ago). I'm keen on MultiPlatform Commander, it would be awesome :)

Mathias (Author)

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Re: Support for other OS's
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2013, 14:59:29 »
Running under wine is no the exactly the same. But it might be okey for some. But I do not have the resource to do special testing and fixing for wine.
Either it works or it does not. If MC crashes and sends a crash report then good, but it will not tell me that it is a wine issue or not. And a lot of strange issues cannot be tracked down with only a crash dump so the risk is that wine issues will not be fixed.
I'm not sure how wine works. But If you can run a program under different OS compatibility modes. Try run it as if it would run on XP. Then a lot of the newer API's are not used.