Multi Commander > Support and Feedback

Some translation problems

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I work on translting MC and there are some problems.

1. Sometimes there is not enough space for the translated word while shortened words may be not good-looking and hard to understand. However some dialogs have enough free space, like Button editor (pic1). Maybe such dialogs can be redesigned a little bit or even made resizable if possible?

2. In some cases tooltips are not shown, so i can't be 100% sure whether i'm right or not although translating is possible (pic2). Of course the translation is far from the end, so maybe i'll eventually find out where every item shoul be :)

Mathias (Author):
I will see if I can resize the dialog so it fit.

When you done and if you want. You can send me the translations files, you create a zip of them by clicking on the export button in the editor.

some more size issues

Mathias (Author):
Will be fixed in next beta

About showing file date as age.

1. I haven't found locale strings in config files
2. Is there any way to customize algorithm? It is because there are 3 different age endings (or even words) in Russian.
1 Year = 1 Год
2 Years = 2 Года
5 Years = 5 Лет

1 second = 1 секунда
2 seconds = 2 секунды
5 seconds = 5 секунд---
Some file search dialog issues (see pic1) and core settings/filesystem (pic2)


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