first of all - Multi Commander seems to be the best Total commander competitor, at lease from my point of view. Very good job!
Some last problems stays:
1) User, as far I know, is not able to set tab as locked, but allow user to go anywhere, not only to sub folders. This is possible to do it in TC and it is very important to me, since I dont want to have still open one extra tab just for exploring whole disks.
2) Move tabs to top as default. I know, that user can move tabs to top, but ... top is standard or not?

3) Do something with app configuration. Yes it is very complex but still can be inside one global window as it is in TC. Now, I thing that it is very confusing. E.g. I spent about 10-15 minutes to find where I can change displaying file size (in bits, kB, GB...). Default is not usable in these times, when disks has TBs of space. Again, in TC, it is matter or 1 minute.
Anyway, thanks for great app and I wish the best.