Multi Commander > Beta Releases

2.0.0 beta bugs

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1. Hints in MultiRename tool manager: i mean popup windows with descriptions. They are not displayed. Btw, there is no translation string for Multi Rename for global menu.

2. There is no translation string for the caption of Plug-in profile manager. See pic1.

3. Read/Write strategy for copy operations.
  a. Pressing [Reset] in expert mode settings shows empty dialog (even with original language). See pic2.
  b. What does Power word mean: 'power saving' or 'advanced mode'

4. Three buttons in Columns customization have no text. See pic3.

5. Column sets setup. Copying from [Default] profile shows dialog with 'Default' word although there is translated text in the list. See pic4.

6. It seems that Correct folder date/time works wrong on folders in the root. See pic5

P.S. I use portable mode (on fixed drive)

Mathias (Author):
1. Tooltip ? that are shown when hovering ??  There is not nay tooltip for the MultiRename.

2. File operations plugins needs a lot of internal work so a lot of the stuff for that is not touched until the rewrite has happen..

3. Strange.. Will check

4. Don't understand how does can be shown empty for you..  there are hardcoded characters for 'X' , ^ and V ,  (Del, up and down)

5. Might not be possible to change.. will check

6. Not able to recreate that. Looks like a cache problem. try force a refresh (F2 / F5 depending on keyboard setup)
(Ctrl+L to view log windows, and second tab the File Operation log, You will see that date/time is set actually set, However the time might be UTC and not local if the filesystem is ntfs)


--- Quote ---1. Tooltip ? that are shown when hovering ??  There is not nay tooltip for the MultiRename.
--- End quote ---
No tooltips? And what are the strings in the lang file? (see pic1)

--- Quote ---4. Don't understand how does can be shown empty for you..  there are hardcoded characters for 'X' , ^ and V ,  (Del, up and down)
--- End quote ---
I've just downloaded v1.2.1, installed it, chose English adn Commander Look'n'Feel. The same thing - buttons are empty.

--- Quote ---6. Not able to recreate that. Looks like a cache problem. try force a refresh (F2 / F5 depending on keyboard setup)
(Ctrl+L to view log windows, and second tab the File Operation log, You will see that date/time is set actually set, However the time might be UTC and not local if the filesystem is ntfs)
--- End quote ---
See pic2 for c:\temp and pic3 for c:\temp\2. Yes, there's a 4 hours difference in time, but not several months.

Mathias (Author):
I will send you a email. starting to spam the forum to much..


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