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Finding words or text strings within "M3U" files inside a directory


Hi, I have found the text tool Find & Replace but I only want the Find part...... how can I make this happen?

I have a Windows PC subdirectory with about 800 M3U playlists in it.

I want to scan all the files and Find any with a particular word or text string inside. I am then quite happy to perform any ongoing actions.

I expect the answer to be under 10, but I am not prepared to spend endless hours opening 800 playlists individually with Worpad for example to get the answers!!

Can MC perform this function?


If the files are not encrypted works this with the Extension "Find Files" Use just the Field "Match File Content (can be slow)".

Mathias (Author):
M3U files are normal text files so do a file search and enter the text for what you are looking for in the "File content" part

Hi Gentlemen,

Thanks very much for your answers. I tried the find files and added the word I was looking for and it came back in about a second....brilliant!



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