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Call ImageMagick to convert file format


Hi, I try to add a custom context menu to call ImageMagick to convert file format.

1. I try to call ImageMagick directly and it works (because ImageMagick shows lots of help, I can see it), and this is my script
MC.Run CMD="D:\ImageMagick\convert.exe"

2. I try to add parameters to generate a command like this "D:\ImageMagick\convert.exe filename.jpg filename.webp", but it doesn't work.
MC.Run CMD="D:\ImageMagick\convert.exe" ARG="${sourcefocusname} PathGetNamePart( ${sourcefocusname}, 1).webp ";

And I try to change the log level of the application log to debug / Full, but it doesn't show anything.
Can you advice how to debug?

2. Menu Help > MultiScript debugger...

1. I'm almost sure that PathGetNamePart( ${sourcefocusname}, 1).webp will not work inside ARG="...". I think you would need to write something like

--- Code: ---@var $path = GetSourceFocusPath();
@var $new_name = GetSourcePath() ^ PathGetNamePart( $path, 1 ) + ".webp";

MC.Run CMD="D:\ImageMagick\convert.exe" ARG="${focusfilepath} ${new_name}";
--- End code ---


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