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[FIXED] Unpack error

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That difference in unpacking times is curious!

I have just now d/l the Drupal archive and tried three different ways to unpack it.
I used 7Zip's context menu command and it took about 10secs.
Then MC unpack command which took about 25secs.
And lastly Win7 internal extract command which took the longest at about 35secs.

All these times are long because of the nature of the archive. ie it is full of many small files in a large directory structure.

I regularly handle large archives of many formats in MC and the some are 100s of MBs in size.

Although I default to using 7Zip most of the time, and not MC's unpack command, I don't believe this unpacking behaviour is a "fault" as such,
rather an example of the different ways archive software handles the unpacking routine.

Mathias (Author):
I found the error. It was fixed before but the fix got ignored because of another bug fix. 

When unpacking many small files it is slow because it handles zip as a virtual filesystem and do not unpack the files in the order they are stored in the zip file so because of that it has to located the file for every files it unpacks. However zip is very fast at that so it is only noticeable if there are many small files.

But this is fixed in the next version.

Mathias (Author):
This should be fixed from Beta build 1080

YES, unpacking small files works lightning fast now! Thanks


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