Multi Commander > Support and Feedback
Select files with the 'Insert' key
Mathias (Author):
MultiCommander is made to follow the commander styled setup first. The Windows Explorer Style setup is there for compatibility. but it is not 100% and it sometimes conflicts with the commander style setup. Specially if you start out in Windows Explorer Setup and then start to customized away options that enabled that. I will see if it can be resolved without breaking anything with commander style setup.
But Im not able to recreate your problem but Im not sure exactly of your problem. But I guess it might be the Selected vs Checked issue.
Try enable checkboxes. When copy files only checked files will be copied.. (if there are multiple files checked)
Yeah, I think you already know what I mean, but just to clarify and how to reproduce easily. If you have 7zip installed (or I think any program that adds a similar context menu):
1. select a few files with Insert
2. press the context menu button (to the left of the right Ctrl)
3. navigate to 7zip and add the files to an archive
All the Insert-selected files and the currently focused-selected file will be added. If I enable checkboxes in the settings, I can see that the last file gets checked when pressing the context menu button.
When using copy/delete it's different, the last file (the not Insert-selected one) is properly ignored.
So, in short: the context menu creates a slightly unexpected behavior.
This sounds very similar to the situation I found as noted here:,431.0.html
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