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Multicommander hangs on the splash screen

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Mutlicommander (x64) v14.1 Build 3017

I uninstalled both the 32 bit and 64 bit versions of Multicommander on my PC and reinstalled both.

At a client's site, the installation stopped and would not proceed due to a problem with the file below.


When Multicommander runs, it hangs on the splash screen.

My installation works OK.


Mathias (Author):
Exactly what it say on the splash screen is not relevant, since the startup is parallell and it does many things at once. If you enable full logging everything it does in outputed to the application log

hangs at startup is often it is because some some network device that windows think is online but is offline.
During startup MC will get information about all available device. And Windows sometimes sees network connected device that are offline as "not offline" at it will hang there until it timeout

Thank you Mathias,

I cannot work out how to enable full logging, even after reading the documentation.

Could someone please assist?

Many thanks.

There's a file MultiCommander.xml in the config folder (I use portable version, so it is in the .\Config subfolder, for installable version it should probably be somewhere in the user profile). I configured logging to Full/Debug and that's how <log> section of that file looks:

--- Code: ---  <log>
      <level value="2"/>
      <save value="1"/>
      <level value="1"/>
      <save value="1"/>
      <copy value="1"/>
      <move value="1"/>
      <delete value="1"/>
      <rename value="1"/>
      <mkdir value="1"/>
      <extended value="1"/>
      <show value="1"/>
      <level value="1"/>
      <extendedscanlog value="1"/>
      <save value="1"/>
      <font FontName="Courier New" SizePT="9" Style="" SizePt="0"/>
      <color background="$COLOR_WINDOW" foreground="$COLOR_WINDOWTEXT"/>

--- End code ---

Great - thank you very much.



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