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Proper column sizing in List view

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Using build 3026 in List view mode.
Sorting and Columns -> Autosize columns is checked.

I have a lot of files with long names that I need to be able to see.

Expected behavior
MC would set the "Name" column width after the longest file/directory name. Or, if the name is very long, the width of the "Name" column would be equal to the width of the panel.

Obvserved behavior
MC badly truncates every name of my files and I can't read the information stored there. Why is this?

Mathias (Author):
Then you do NOT want autosize on.
Autosize column will adjust the columns to fit into the view, So when you adjust the size of date column for example., it will autosize the other columns so they still fit into the view.

Then you want to disable autosize so you can size the column and get an horizontal scrollbar

Okay, unchecked the auto size of the columns. I can literally see no difference. It is exactly like the option does not have any effect.
I scroll through the list of files and I see about 50% of the name on all of them.

Mathias (Author):

--- Quote from: ags on November 04, 2024, 16:03:49 ---Okay, unchecked the auto size of the columns. I can literally see no difference. It is exactly like the option does not have any effect.
I scroll through the list of files and I see about 50% of the name on all of them.

--- End quote ---

If you uncheck autosize, column should not resize it self when you make them very large.. and you can get a horizontal scrollbar.. that does not happen ?
Then you can dubble click on the divider between Name and the column you have next to it, and it will calculate the minimum size it can be set to change change the size to that

I am not sure we are on the right track here...  :D

The fact is that if MC wants to show long file names, it has to read the list of files, find the longest and adapt the column width to fit as many characters as possible.

Can you make this an automated process, like in the other file managers?


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