Multi Commander > Support and Feedback

button panel text not saved.

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I know how to change the font and size of the text on the buttons of the panel. In the MultiButtons.xml file.
I also was showed in which file to save it and the location.
However after some days the text changes back to the default.
You can see in the photos.
how can I keep it from changing?

Mathias (Author):
Maybe you you changed some buttons and the manual edit of the file got overwritten ?


pls enlighten me.
What is "manual edit"?

Mathias (Author):
When modifying the file manually. like when editing the font/size in the MultiButtons.xml file


I am changing only the 2nd row on the Multibuttons file...
this is what i change it to"
<buttonpanel id="1" rows="5" cols="8" fontsize="12" fontname="Comic Sans MS" iconsize="medium">

All the rest is untouched.


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