Multi Commander > Support and Feedback

[Closed] Can't share files from the files contextual menu

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With Windows 11, the contextual file menu lets you share files with other computers in the same network.
It works fine with Windows 11 Explorer, but when I try to do it with Multi Commander, nothing happens.
Is there anything I can do?


Mathias (Author):
I can't reproduce that.. 
MC do not have a direct connection to onedrive, It is using the filesystem layer Windows has for the onedrive folder. So MC see it just as normal files.

Are the file synced offline ?
or are they just fake place holder files ?

Thanks for the answer.
I have the problem on all files, even those who are stored on OneDrive.

Mathias (Author):
I can't replicate that. I get a Window that popup from Onedrive if I select Share where I can get a link and set some permissions

I'm talking of the share with the nearby:

Not the one from Onedrive


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