Multi Commander > Support and Feedback

Open RecycleBinFolder


Is there a way to place the shell:RecycleBinFolder command on a button?
Or is it possible to delete the RecycleBin via a button?

I would like to use MC to either open the recycle bin in Windows 11 Explorer or delete the files in the recycle bin directly, that would be great.

Thank you very much for any ideas,

Mathias (Author):
MC does not have support for manage the recycling bin yet. it is on the list.

Hello, and thank you very much for your answer and efforts.
It would be enough for me if I could assign a button that opens Windows Explorer and then the recycle bin directly.
In the shell in MC this can be done via shell:RecycleBinFolder
But I don't know how to assign shell commands to buttons :-)


Mathias (Author):
You can create a UserDefinedCommand that execute an external command

"explorer.exe shell:RecycleBinFolder"

and then assign a that command to a button/menu/hotkey

That works great, thank you very much :-)


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