Multi Commander > Beta Releases

v14.6 RC

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Thanks for the update Mathias. ;)

I noticed after the update today b3064, that the filesize output is missing from the bottom left of the panel.  (Where I have put a yellow box on the image)
Tried restart, no luck. Has a setting been lost or is it broken?

@Mathias (Author)

Is it possible to set custom color of Multi Commander Window in Dark Mode?
It is #383838 (RGB 56/56/56) now...
Or Titlebar background.

I preffer a bit darker, like for example ->#191919 (RGB 25/25/25)


Mathias (Author):
that is currently not customizable.
Been thinking to maybe add so it can be. problem is that some of the dark UI component are styled by Windows. So there is not full control of the colors in all places.
And if I enable so colors can be customizable people are going to complain why they can't change color at place X.


--- Quote from: Ulfhednar on January 30, 2025, 13:51:25 ---Thanks for the update Mathias. ;)

I noticed after the update today b3064, that the filesize output is missing from the bottom left of the panel.  (Where I have put a yellow box on the image)
Tried restart, no luck. Has a setting been lost or is it broken?

--- End quote ---

This is the Selection Status Area in MC explorer panel settings, yes? Still cannot get it to show anything , Win11 Explorer does show these details OK in Status Bar.
I wondered if enable/disable freespace display would do anything but it didn't.
I also noticed the shifting of the panel nav icons left (attached), I haven't updated my gfx drivers btw.
I guess a clean re-install is next...  :-\

Mathias (Author):

--- Quote from: Ulfhednar on January 31, 2025, 12:47:36 ---
--- Quote from: Ulfhednar on January 30, 2025, 13:51:25 ---Thanks for the update Mathias. ;)

I noticed after the update today b3064, that the filesize output is missing from the bottom left of the panel.  (Where I have put a yellow box on the image)
Tried restart, no luck. Has a setting been lost or is it broken?

--- End quote ---

This is the Selection Status Area in MC explorer panel settings, yes? Still cannot get it to show anything , Win11 Explorer does show these details OK in Status Bar.
I wondered if enable/disable freespace display would do anything but it didn't.
I guess a clean re-install is next...  :-\

--- End quote ---

I notice my self yesterday. I had temporary removed that, and forgot to put it back..
I new beta will be out tonight


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