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Default sorting type per folder?



I'd like to make default sorting type for Downloads as By Date (descending) and for all other folders by Name. Don't see how I could do it.

At least is it possible to make keyboard shortcut to switch between sorting types, eg. F11 first - sort by date (descending), F11 second - sort by name (ascending), F11 third - by date, etc.

Looked into shortcut panel and cannot find a way to assing shortcuts to sorting options. Am I missing something?

MC v15.0 (build 3072)

Mathias (Author):
There is no way to customize folder by folder.
It is planed for something like that.

But you can change sorting with hotkeys
Ctrl+F1 to F5 will change sorting to column 1 to 5, Selecting an column that is already sorting will reverse the sort..


Keyboard shortcut will make my job easier :)


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