Author Topic: What do YOU want to see in the next major version  (Read 53253 times)

Mathias (Author)

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What do YOU want to see in the next major version
« on: June 17, 2012, 13:32:51 »
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Now that v2.5 is out the planing for the next major release have started.

I got a list of new features and changes I want to do. But that list contains mostly my own wishes and
since we all have different needs and wishes I would like to hear from you.

What feature do you want to be added ?
What do you want to be able to do ?
What existing feature does not work and should be change? And how should it be change?
What do you want to be able to tweak and customize ?
What do you want to be able to do with script ? what needs to be added it it ?
For file task that you do often, How can some feature be added so you can do it easier/faster?

Any idea are welcome.  small, big, smart or stupid.

I will however not promise that I will add all of them, It all depends on what it is and how much work it required.

I will not comment on your suggestions in here, or saying that it is already on my list or if it is good or if it is not possible to add.
I will collect all ideas now and at a later time I will present a list with all the suggestions where they then can be discussed.

If you are to lazy to create a forum account, you can send suggestions from the "send feedback" option inside Multi Commander.
It is located in Menu > Help > Send Feedback
« Last Edit: July 04, 2012, 14:10:39 by Mathias (Author) »


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Re: What do YOU want to see in the next major version
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2012, 13:47:02 »

First thanks for this excellent program.
Secondly, I will suggest a favorites manager.



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Re: What do YOU want to see in the next major version
« Reply #2 on: June 17, 2012, 19:30:38 »
1. Synchronize folders
2. Improve toolbars so they could show big icons
3. Allow multiscript to execute internal and custom commands (those created via User Defined Commands).

As i see now it is impossible to execute e.g. Edit action from a script.


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Re: What do YOU want to see in the next major version
« Reply #3 on: June 18, 2012, 06:30:24 »
1. Search function in registry browser. (Being worked on according to the author :D)
2. Password protection in creating zip/7z files. :D


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Re: What do YOU want to see in the next major version
« Reply #4 on: June 19, 2012, 08:32:41 »
Here are my top 5:

- Custom right click menu items for custom filetypes (actions) - so if *.png is associated in IrfanView, you could open it in XnView from the right-click context menu
- Custom icons for filetypes (File Type Setup) - with relative paths support
- Drive buttons instead of drive drop-down (explorer panel)
- Fix: "${mcinstallpath}" is inserted in the File Type Setup if you click on "${mcpath}"
- Removal of inactive frame border (explorer panel) - kinda annoying, feels like the inactive panel is active

Basically the first one is the main issue that prevents me from switching from another file manager.


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Re: What do YOU want to see in the next major version
« Reply #5 on: June 19, 2012, 16:17:02 »
First of all, I want to say that this is a great file manager. Here are several little things I would like to see:
- option to turn on/off full row selection in file list
- column header in correlation with size of font. Now header is too high.
- also drive drop down list and icons on the right (parent folder, root, ...) are too big
- scrolling file list with elantech touchpad is impossible. I dont know the reason, but scrolling in all other applications is working fine except in multicommander. I dont have another laptop to test on, so I dont know if other touchpad brands work better.

Keep up the good work !


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Re: What do YOU want to see in the next major version
« Reply #6 on: June 20, 2012, 10:38:05 »
I would see in Multi Commander ability to highlight files/folders based on date/timestamp basis, e.g. highlight by red all files/folders not older than 1day etc...


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Re: What do YOU want to see in the next major version
« Reply #7 on: June 22, 2012, 16:53:27 »
here are some of my ideas

1. flatview
meaning to be able to see all the contents of a folder including subfolders and files inside them, in a single panel. this way  you can move files among subfolders or sync complete folders without the need to go up and down all the time.

2. an easy way to select non consecutive files using the keyboard
for e.g. in win explorer you hold down the ctl key, then move down with arrow key and select individual files with space key

3. an option in picture tools to resize or compress
either in terms of percentage (10 - 30 - 50 %) or in a few predefined resolutions  (small - medium - large)

4. change of the arrow behavior during rename function
I explain.  after you press "rename" or f2, the selected file is highlighted and the extension is shown next to the file name and not only in a separate column. When you press the right arrow key the cursor goes after the dot while I would prefer it to go to the end of the highlighted area but before the dot. and when you press the left arrow key, the cursor goes one step to the left while I would prefer it to go to the beginning of the highlighted area.

5. recycle bin
access of the recycle bin, maybe from the drop-down list because I haven't found a way so far to access it through MC

again these are only proposals, I will stick to using this program anyway
thanks for your great job
« Last Edit: June 25, 2012, 16:13:37 by midros »


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Re: What do YOU want to see in the next major version
« Reply #8 on: June 26, 2012, 16:14:32 »
Hi, and thank you for this great software.
For a while I'm trying to familiarize myself with it, but sometimes I miss a feature or two of my favorite file manager. Like:

- the possibility to easily create an empty text file with a specific name - like SHIFT+F4
- maybe I was too lazy, but with "File Search" I was not able to find a specific text within multiple binary files, or maybe this a problem with File Search and not MultiCommander

Most likely I will find more things that I wish where there, but I will come back and update the list.

Thank you very much.


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Re: What do YOU want to see in the next major version
« Reply #9 on: June 27, 2012, 18:34:24 »
I miss the option (should be activated in standard) to show the hidden/system files and folder (incl. icons) ghosted/greyed out and/or at least in another color.
« Last Edit: June 28, 2012, 19:16:59 by Anonymous »


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Re: What do YOU want to see in the next major version
« Reply #10 on: June 28, 2012, 07:46:14 »

I really like some of the features that you have put into MC (e.g. showing junctions, keyboard customizations, etc.).
I always keep the file / folder listing to "list view". One thing I would like to suggest as an improvement is in the list view: the list of files and folders is wrapped using the tab stop headers and is not dynamically adjusted based on the size of the file / folder names. This produces either shortened file names in some folders or too much white-space in other folders. I am attaching a screenshot showing a wrapped list with lots of white space.

Another related improvement is to save the sorting order (between app restarts) in the list view - currently, it reverts to sorting by name.

Thank you,


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Re: What do YOU want to see in the next major version
« Reply #11 on: June 28, 2012, 10:44:05 »
like  Midros, flat view is quite handy :
meaning to be able to see all the contents of a folder including subfolders and files inside them, in a single panel. this way  you can select files in many folders to be opened at once (and using the "To clipboard" feature on them).


A command to apply a ShellExecute on the file to allow default Windows file handling (in custom actions at least, as a plain File menu entry at best :) )


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Re: What do YOU want to see in the next major version
« Reply #12 on: June 28, 2012, 16:16:33 »
I would like to have the opportunity in the configuration menu to choose how many rows I want to have displayed in the button window and that by standard only the first button row with the F-keys should be displayed.
Especially on 16" widescreen notebook displays too much space is wasted with the big button window and in my opinion the other three rows are not necessary.

Besides it is a little bit inconvenient to have to edit a configuration file in order to achieve that.,273.msg380.html#msg380

Mathias (Author)

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Re: What do YOU want to see in the next major version
« Reply #13 on: June 30, 2012, 13:16:55 »
Im currently compiling the result of the request here and from mail and will post the shortly.
First I want to comment on some of the issue and suggestions named here. some of them are just bugs and some are fixed in v2.5.1

- maybe I was too lazy, but with "File Search" I was not able to find a specific text within multiple binary files, or maybe this a problem with File Search and not MultiCommander

This is a bug. And if you can provide me with a example case where this can be recreated I will look into that.

2. an easy way to select non consecutive files using the keyboard
for e.g. in win explorer you hold down the ctl key, then move down with arrow key and select individual files with space key

3. an option in picture tools to resize or compress
either in terms of percentage (10 - 30 - 50 %) or in a few predefined resolutions  (small - medium - large)

4. change of the arrow behavior during rename function
I explain.  after you press "rename" or f2, the selected ......
2. Im note sure what you mean with this.

3. You mean like a quick zoom feature. pressing shortcut x and it wlil got to 10% and pressing y it will got to 20 % ?
Or do you mean that it should resize and save the image to disk ?

4. This is fixed in v2.5.1

- also drive drop down list and icons on the right (parent folder, root, ...) are too big

- scrolling file list with elantech touchpad is impossible. I dont know the reason, but scrolling in all other applications is working fine except in multicommander. I dont have another laptop to test on, so I dont know if other touchpad brands work better.

Icons are to big ? really they are 16x16. All other complains have been that they are too small.

scrolling, Well I don't really know why this is happening. I do not have a device like that so I can not test it.
Anyone else have this problem ?

- Custom icons for filetypes (File Type Setup) - with relative paths support
- Drive buttons instead of drive drop-down (explorer panel)
- Fix: "${mcinstallpath}" is inserted in the File Type Setup if you click on "${mcpath}"
- Removal of inactive frame border (explorer panel) - kinda annoying, feels like the inactive panel is active

Custom icons for the filetype, Hmm Might be possible to add. But with if you got .txt defined for a viewer and another for editor. what icon should it show ?

Drive Buttons can be shown in the explorer panel. but the drive dropdown will also be there. But a request to make that optional is on the list

${mcpath} problem is fixed in v2.5.1

A test for removal av the active border highlighting has been added in v2.5.1
type the command ":activeframe_disable" in the command line field to activate it (it will NOT remember the state between restart at the moment)
Is this what you looking ?

3. Allow multiscript to execute internal and custom commands (those created via User Defined Commands).
As i see now it is impossible to execute e.g. Edit action from a script.

3. Added in v2.5
Code: [Select]
MC.RunUserCmd and
Code: [Select]
be careful so you do not create a script that call it self. :)

in v2.5.1
Code: [Select]
MC.Edit , MC.View  was added.

List of Custom Commands are now in the doc. (all descriptions not 100% done yet)

« Last Edit: June 30, 2012, 13:19:30 by Mathias (Author) »


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Re: What do YOU want to see in the next major version
« Reply #14 on: June 30, 2012, 16:46:06 »
We know that Multi-Rename extension was made for the purpose of mass renaming files and folders. It would be very great to use the same naming technology in copy/move window in field which is used to specify the output folder to create automaticly new folders. For example I've got a lot of photos and I want to move them to specific folders. So I can use some of multi-rename tags (e.g. the date of take photo) and Mutli Commander will create new folders and move my files to the folders with this date in accordance with images tags. :D

Thank you very much for Multi Commander.


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Re: What do YOU want to see in the next major version
« Reply #15 on: July 03, 2012, 16:34:59 »
Hi and thanks for this very powerful program

1) Add a possibility to have quad explorer (QDir like)

2) Save the explorer state (all opened tabs)


Mathias (Author)

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Re: What do YOU want to see in the next major version
« Reply #16 on: July 03, 2012, 17:43:38 »
1) Add a possibility to have quad explorer (QDir like)

2) Save the explorer state (all opened tabs)

1. Will probably not happen

2. Already does this. Unless there is some special settings you are thinking of that are not saved, but then it is most likely a bug