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network browse method


in "configuration / core settings" there is a setting called "network browse method" with 3 options.

what is the difference among them?

I tried all 3 and then browsed my network and I can say that the 1st one  (default) does not work for me, but the other two seem to work fine although I don't see any difference between them .


Mathias (Author):
The network browse API in Windows are a mess. And there are multiple ways of doing the same things. And documentation is very incomplete.
So the different methods are using the different APIs.

Some of the methods should works better for when connected to a domains, and some better for workgroups.
Not sure yet witch is better for what,

I get see no difference whatever method I select on my network.

I see. So we have to try all and see which one suits us best.
Anyway I am glad that at least one works fine for me.

thanks for the quick answer (as always)


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