Multi Commander > Support and Feedback

network share directory not listed in path row

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I downloaded a fresh version and that works fine. But how can I get my old settings, particularly the buttons back without much re-work?

I use a portable version.

Mathias (Author):
Strange that a reinstall worked. maybe some files failed to update correct or something..

The configuration for portable version is stored in the config/ folder where MultiCommander.exe exists.
for installed version on Win7 it is C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\MultiCommander\Config\

Buttons for the Buttons panel are configured in MultiButtons.xml and Layout and Colors for the ExplorerPanel is in ZFileManager.xml

If the old version is not portable then do not copy MultiCommander.xml to the new config folder.
But all of the other configuration files can be copied over.

Thanks for the help and direction. Both my versions are portable and hence all I did was to backup and restore a couple of times using the old and new versions and that did the trick. Does the file ZFileManager.xml have all the explore and core settings?

Figured out the problem. When I turn off the Device drop down, then my problem re-appears. When Device Drop down is turned on, it works fine. Can you check if you are able to reproduce the problem? Thanks

Mathias (Author):
Ahh Okey.

So you was running without the device dropdown. Okey I see..

Yes I was able to see the problem now. I will fix that.


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