No one wants anything for the next version ? ? ? ? ?
Then maybe my request will be added then..

This is want I would like to see in the coming versions
* Rearrange and remove items in the copy/move queue
* Able to select files into different Groups. or flag files/folders.
So if I have many many files and I need to do different things with them I can go over them and give them different flags or put them in different selections groups. I should then be able to say copy files from selection group X (or items with flag x) to folder X. and then after that while that is copying I can start a new/or queue items from selection Group Y to be copied to folder Y and so on..
* Show files as thumbnail with detailed info. Like detailed view mode but instead of an icon show a thumbnail and have the other columns to the right of the thumbnail stacked from top to bottom.. so after the image there are X rows (depending on columns shows) with the file info.
* Add touch/gesture support. pinch to zoom for Text and Picture Viewer.. and other gestures..
I can think of more I would like to have. But I will let other ppl fill up the list so not just my requests are added.