Multi Commander > Beta Releases

Possible bug

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FYI - Possible bug.

I have noticed a 'strange' event a couple of times with the in-line rename function.
When doing an in-line rename if I use <e> or <l> in the new name, the field will jump to edit a segment as if <ctrl> had also been pressed.
I discovered pressing <ctrl> a few times would unstick the selection focus so I can enter the new name.

Mathias (Author):
(Plz. Keep bug for new stuff in beta to the beta section)

Yes this has been reported. But I have not been able to reproduce it . But I changed the code a lot since the latest beta so if it is still an issue in the next beta let me know.

Sorry I was focused on your original announcement of the change in the in-line rename function.  :-[

As I have a generic bug post title I will add this here -

I sometimes find my cursor is locked inside the search result pane region. 
This means my cursor can go to the top/bottom of my monitor display but no further laterally than the dividing line between MC panes.

I cannot determine if there is any common cause as it is very infrequent.  I do more than one search a day & see it maybe once in 7-10 days.
(Today I had time to remember to report it!)
Only way I can get the mouse out of that space is to minimize the MC window.  Then everything returns to normal.

I confirm bug with inplace rename for current beta 1452. Steps:
1. Launch MC
2. Open inplace rename. OK. <e> and <n> acts like chars
3. Cancel rename
4. Press and release Ctrl key
5. Open inplace rename. BUG. <e> and <n> toggle ext/name selection
6. Cancel rename.
7. Open inplace rename. All OK again.

Bug with mouse cursor is easily reproducible on Win 7 x64 and MC v3.2.1 x64. It was described, captured and sent to Mathias. But on WinXP x32 i'm unable to reproduce it neither in MC 3.2.1 nor in MC 3.3.0.


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