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Messages - malthus

Pages: [1]
Support and Feedback / Re: Cannot show Hotpath interface
« on: January 01, 2013, 22:10:58 »
Thank you for the reply, and even more for the program itself! MC is a truly unique software, and the quality of the implementation is amazing. I am really grateful for being able to use it, and for your decision making it freeware!

Support and Feedback / Re: Cannot show Hotpath interface
« on: January 01, 2013, 15:24:54 »
QuickPaths is the new HotPaths. Works almost the same. But the QuickPath are configured in the Favorites windows.
Thank you very much for the quick and comprehensive answer!

I like QuickPaths already (especially that they work quite similar to the HotPaths I have accustomed to), but there seems to be a difference (or I just missed something). For HotPaths there was a configuration item to increase their number from 10 to a desired higher amount. I used 20. If I understand right, now there is only 10, and I can create more sections of favorites if I want.

One little feature request: could you perhaps reset the quick filter field when one closes the Favorites window? I think it would be more convenient to use if it would always start empty...

There still is some configuration referring HotPath. That is a mistakes. I forgot to remove them
Perhaps those could be exchanged with the Favorites / QuickPaths, given how similar they are...

There is still a "Hotpath" button on the Button Bar,
There is? I don't see it..
Sorry, my mistake. I must have created it in the past, and just forgot all about it when I started using keyboard and mouse shortcuts instead...

Support and Feedback / Cannot show Hotpath interface
« on: January 01, 2013, 13:06:21 »
Since I have upgraded to the latest version of MC (v2.8.1 b1275), I cannot access the Hotpath view / add / delete interface anymore. The mouse shortcuts (Right click / Ctrl + Right click) are configured, but they do not work. There is still a "Hotpath" button on the Button Bar, but it doesn't do anything either. When I use the Button Editor to see what is configured behind that button, it turns out that it is an Internal Command in the Multicommander (base) module, but the command itself is missing, as if it disappeared.
The previously configured hotpaths still do work with the usual keyboard shortcuts (Ctrl + number), however...

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