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Topics - promotheus

Pages: [1]
Our Environment

1) Windows 7 Ultimate -64 Bit client;
2) Samba share from OSX Lion Server (SMBX).
3) SMB Shares are read and writable for relevant User with Authentication to Open Directory Server.
4) Windows clients are successfully able to login and are able to copy .Zip files and in most instances are able to copy Folders with sub directory structure & All contents successfully.

- However occasionally and seemingly "randomly" get an error which states "File X incomplete" - then giving the option to Skip the file / try again etc ... If Try again will return error that file incomplete.
When checking the attributes of the file match the same as all the other files successfully copied to the SMBX share (As these are image sequences being copied and therefore files all have same ext, files sizes, permissions etc ..)

When trying to copy via explorer we get a "hang up" and the explorer will often become unresponsive. It is as if the connection is timing out (specifically from explorer) -
We have tried to increase the timeout on Windows host, but thus far not proved to make any difference in performance.

What is most confusing is that after receiving error in multi commander the Artist then uses a copy tool to move these files / in fact over write the files that where market as "errors"  --- successfully.

The error condition is not concistant which makes it even more difficult to "nail down" cause and solution. But any and all advise is appreciated

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