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Messages - Jungle

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Example file:
Code: [Select]
.test test  testtest
Try to find and/or highlight "     test     " (with spaces, without quotes).

P.S. It seems that Copy/Paste shortcuts (Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V, Ctrl+Ins, Shift+Ins) don't work in teh Find and Highlight fields.

MC v14.5.3054 x64, Win 10 Pro

Feature Requests and Suggestions / Re: button panel area
« on: January 23, 2025, 11:47:52 »
Open button editor, then activate MC main window. Now press Ctr[+Shift] and click desired button.
Alternatively, you may enable Wizard Mode, press Ctr[+Shift] and drag'n'drop some file/folder onto desired button.

Support and Feedback / Re: Switching Windows
« on: January 18, 2025, 19:32:51 »
You can create a custom command which activates the left panel, and then launch MC with the command line parameter -AutoRun=[your custom command]

If I get you right, you might need MultiScript function PathGetNamePart

Script / Re: Where is the scripts log file located?
« on: January 09, 2025, 06:00:49 »
There's MultiScript debugger under the Help menu

7zip supports zip

It can be done via MultiScript (at least for some checksum types). The only "problem" is that MC doesn't allow UDC to be used as an action source in File Type setup.

Support and Feedback / Re: button panel text not saved.
« on: December 23, 2024, 12:15:32 »
Just in case... Don't modify MC's config files while MC is running

Support and Feedback / Re: Smartphone Verbindung
« on: December 21, 2024, 19:43:40 »
Did you create that folder manually yourself or it was made automatically by some built-in app? I mean if you manage to find a way to create such "strange" folders, it may give Mathias a clue.

I've never performed it myself. Try checking registry keys from this post

Have you set up MC as the Explorer replacement? As far as I know, it is not officially supported. And using MC in a single-pane mode is not officially recommended as well.

Support and Feedback / Re: MC using wrong app to open multiple files
« on: December 06, 2024, 08:30:40 »
I've configured PDF-XChange as a Launcher (Run/Open), neither viewer nor editor.
When I launch *.pdf from a "normal" panel, some lines appear in the Application Log (Debug/Full)

Code: [Select]
2024-12-06 10:26:39.056 Execute file item : "x:\path\file.pdf"
2024-12-06 10:26:39.076 ShellExecute returned without any error

When I launch *.pdf from RES1:, nothing appears in the Application log.

Support and Feedback / Re: MC using wrong app to open multiple files
« on: December 06, 2024, 06:32:37 »
Some more to add.

1. It seems that the way of launching depends on Explorer tabs type.
E.g. from the RES1: tab my *.pdf files are opened in MS Edge (which is the default app). And from "normal" file tab the same files are opened in configured app (PDF-XChange)

2. If custom config settings are wrong, the file will not be opened from the "normal" file panel. And it's confusing when the default file icon is used. So you see some associated icon, try to launch and nothing happens. I think either the default app should be launched or some kind of notification displayed. Maybe MC should check certain settings at startup and warn a user in a some way.

Support and Feedback / Re: Multi-Rename
« on: December 02, 2024, 06:17:00 »
In the "Search and Replace" panel:

1. Check RegEx option
2. In the left edit field enter "\(\d*\)\s*" (without quotes) leaving the right edit field empty
3. Optionally select Replace only name

Support and Feedback / Re: Issue with file search
« on: November 29, 2024, 20:41:13 »
Ok. I've performed some tests with GUI.

1. c:\temp\22;c:\temp\33 - files are found
2. "c:\temp\22";"c:\temp\33" - files are found
3. "c:\temp\22;c:\temp\33" - files are NOT found

And now the issue is reproducible in pure GUI mode without UDC.

1. Open Find files dialog
2. Enter some findable mask (files must be found for issue to happen)
3. Enter some path
4. Press start.
5. After files are found close the RES tab
6. Close Find files dialog
7. Now change path

Well, maybe not 100%, but almost each time

Support and Feedback / Re: Issue with file search
« on: November 29, 2024, 16:12:33 »
I've just tested on
Code: [Select]
Édition                          Windows 11 Professionnel
Version                          23H2
Build du système d’exploitation  22631.4460
Expérience                       Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.22700.1047.0

The same result: this issue is 100% reproducible.

Support and Feedback / Re: Issue with file search
« on: November 29, 2024, 15:00:48 »
SEARCHIN is wrong.. one quote for them all.. not for each

With one quote search finds nothing, with the separate quotes it works.

view issue I don't know. look like after some windows update on some system, some ppl have seen that issue.. Not been able to recreate that

With usual navigation and normal GUI search I've never seen it before. This issue only appears with this command executed. Each time.

Support and Feedback / Issue with file search
« on: November 29, 2024, 14:38:25 »
I've created a User Defined Command:

Code: [Select]
MC.FileSearch.Search SEARCHFOR=*.txt AUTOSTART HIDE SEARCHIN="c:\temp\22";"c:\temp\33\"
and inserted it to the QuickLaunch bar. The following is 100% reproducible for me.

0. There must be some txt files in "c:\temp\22" and "c:\temp\33\" folders.
1. Press the newly created button
2. Close the results Tab
3. Then change path. It may require several attempts

1. Explorer panel Settings look ugly (see pic)
2. Some item in the file list randomly becomes blanc. Refreshing the tab randomly replaces some oter item with a blanc line. Navigation via cusror keys can't skip that line. (see gif)

MC v14.3.3042 x64 Portable on Win10 x64 Pro

I had problems with defining multiple search paths in the MC.FileSearch custom command's options. What is the correct syntax for that?

Code: [Select]
MC.FileSearch.Search SEARCHFOR=*.txt AUTOSTART HIDE SEARCHIN="c:\temp\22";"c:\temp\33"

Support and Feedback / Re: immediate searching with saved parameters
« on: November 29, 2024, 13:49:36 »
You can create some UDC with desired search params, and then put it to the user menu or on the QL bar.
MC.FileSearch supports HIDE and AUTOSTART parameters

Explorer panel settings > Display > Tab > Open new tab when going to new location it tab is locked. Isn't it what you're lookig for ?

@Mathias, yes, I apologize. It also works.
P.S. But after changing desktop.ini MC has to be restarted, refreshing Explorer panel is not enough.

Yes, it works. Folder icons can be chaged via desktop.ini files.
P.S. But MC doesn't seem to respect desktop.ini settings

You can enable "entire-row" Quick launch bar in the Core Settings > Layout. Then you can e.g. drag'n'drop exe-files on it and insert user defined commands.

I've disabled Drives toolbar, it is hidden, but its button still work (they actually change current drive) and their hints are displayed (see pic)

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