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Messages - JPCoetzee

Pages: [1]
Feature Requests and Suggestions / Re: button panel area
« on: February 03, 2025, 08:43:52 »
Is there some option to define these cells as links to directories \ folders
That's how I use my button bar, as shortcuts to directories.

you may enable Wizard Mode, press Ctr[+Shift] and drag'n'drop some file/folder onto desired button.
Blimey, I didn't know I could do it that easily!  :)

If you're editing the button without wizard mode the command you want is MC.Explorer.Goto PATH=[dir]. You can also specify an icon which can be different for each folder. See attached screenshot.

Announcements and News / Re: MultiCommander 14.3
« on: December 02, 2024, 09:27:31 »
Thanks again for immediately making this available on the Microsoft Store. I'm not sure how many downloads you get from there, but I'm very grateful!

Or double-click

Support and Feedback / Re: Crashed and lost button layout
« on: November 02, 2023, 19:29:28 »
Not  the OP, but that would be very useful Mathias


Support and Feedback / Re: Crashed and lost button layout
« on: October 31, 2023, 16:54:02 »
This Multi-script creates a timestamped configuration backup in a specific directory. It's a bit quicker to use than Help > Backup/Restore if assigned to a hotkey, button or the "User commands" menu. You'll need to edit line 10:

Code: [Select]
@var $backupdir = "C:\\Users\\jpcoetzee\\Documents\\Apps\\MultiCommander\\;
to suit your own requirements.

Code: [Select]
// 1. Create filename with data and time
// 2. Get location of config files
// 3. Use PackFile to create the backup
// ---------------------------------------

// 1. Create filename with data and time
@var $now = GetTime();
@var $datestamp = FormatDate( "yyyyMMdd" , $now );
@var $timestamp = FormatTime( "HHmmss" , $now );
@var $backupdir = "C:\\Users\\jpcoetzee\\Documents\\Apps\\MultiCommander\\;
@var $zipfilename = $backupdir + "MC_ConfigBackup_" + $datestamp + "_" + $timestamp + ".zip";

// 2. Get location of config files
@var $mcconfigdir = GetTagValue("${mcconfigpath}");
@var $mcuserdatadir = StrReplace( $mcconfigdir, "\Config" , "\UserData" );
// LogDump($datestamp)
// LogDump($timestamp)
// LogDump($backupdir)
// LogDump($zipfilename)
// LogDump($mcconfigdir);
// LogDump($mcuserdatadir);

// 3. Use PackFile to create the backup
PackFile($zipfilename, $mcconfigdir,   "*.*", "zip", "NOWAIT, USEEXISTINGQUEUE");
PackFile($zipfilename, $mcuserdatadir, "*.*", "zip", "NOWAIT, USEEXISTINGQUEUE");

I'm sure the wizards here could improve it!


Support and Feedback / Crashed and lost button layout
« on: October 24, 2023, 12:39:03 »
MC crashed as I was using the Button Editor to copy one button to another with CTRL pressed.
MC restarted automatically and the button panel has reset to default. Closing and reopening confirms. I have lost all my custom buttons.    :'(

Are the button configurations backed up anywhere?

Support and Feedback / Re: Create URL shortcut?
« on: October 24, 2023, 09:37:46 »
JPCoetzee, try this MultiScript

Perfect! Much better than my shoddy attempts with a batch file.

Many thanks

Support and Feedback / Re: Create URL shortcut?
« on: October 23, 2023, 13:01:21 »
I have folders dedicated to specific documents and I always have a folder-specific URL that points to the document within a Document Management system on a server.

I can probably do it with Powershell/batch file and an MC pop-up window. I'll post my solution here.

Support and Feedback / Re: Create URL shortcut?
« on: October 23, 2023, 11:45:28 »
1. Open a Windows Explorer window on any folder
2. Right-click > New > Shortcut
3. In the box, type or paste a URL (for example
4. Click "Next"
5. Give it a name (for example "BBC")
6. Click "Finish"

Now you have a shortcut in that folder that when clicked will open your browser on the website.

AFAIK there is no way to do the same thing in MC.


Support and Feedback / Create URL shortcut?
« on: October 17, 2023, 10:32:50 »
If I want to create a URL shortcut I have to open an Explorer window, which is a bit laborious . I've searched high and low but can't find a way to do the same thing directly in MC.

Can anyone help? Many thanks!

Support and Feedback / Re: Update the Microsoft store version?
« on: August 14, 2023, 12:09:13 »
'MultiCommander Store Edition' is now updated on Microsoft Store
Brilliant! Thanks.

Support and Feedback / Re: Update the Microsoft store version?
« on: August 01, 2023, 09:56:03 »
Matthias, congratulations on new release (and new home).
Will the Microsoft Store version be updated, or is it permanently broken?
It is coming. Just want to see so there is no major issue that needs fixing in 13.1, release on app store is a bit of a PITA.. so I will push to app store in around a week unless there are some issue that need fixing first..

Awesome! Thank you.

Matthias, congratulations on new release (and new home).
Will the Microsoft Store version be updated, or is it permanently broken?
I am not the developer and my post was pointless. I'm not referring to the MC-App, but the Microsoft Store app on my computer. I don't use apps from the Microsoft Store, so it doesn't matter that the Microsoft Store no longer works on my computer.

Aha! I confused Matthias with Mathias.

Support and Feedback / Re: Update the Microsoft store version?
« on: July 25, 2023, 18:21:13 »
Store because MS have Changed Things.
My Store App is broken - it dosn't matter.

Matthias, congratulations on new release (and new home).

Will the Microsoft Store version be updated, or is it permanently broken?

many thanks

Support and Feedback / Re: Update the Microsoft store version?
« on: March 27, 2023, 17:09:42 »
Thanks Mathias. I have noticed that some of my favourite apps (e.g. Notepad++) have pulled from the Store because MS have Changed Things. I am really hoping MultiCommander will stay!

Support and Feedback / Re: Update the Microsoft store version?
« on: March 21, 2023, 19:21:04 »
Any thoughts on this?

Support and Feedback / Update the Microsoft store version?
« on: March 14, 2023, 09:44:24 »
Mathias would it be possible to update the Microsoft store version?  It's currently at 12.0 (2904).

I'm having some issues with zip files and I think it is fixed in more recent versions.

many thanks

Store edition is a bit late. I been very busy, But it should be updated this month

It's updated! Thank you very much for your swift response.

Support and Feedback / Microsoft Store Edition version at 11.0?
« on: March 10, 2022, 13:57:13 »
Newbie here, hello all! Thank you for your work in making this software.

For complicated reasons I have to use the Microsoft Store Edition. It is presently at version 11.0 and I see from the website that the latest is 11.6.

Do you intend to update the version on the Microsoft Store?


Pages: [1]