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Messages - Mathias (Author)

Pages: 1 ... 3 4 5 6 [7] 8 9 10 11 ... 173
Support and Feedback / Re: How to disable preview?
« on: August 25, 2023, 18:36:31 »
Just don't enable preview..  Preview has to be enabled to be shown.. (Alt+Q / Shift+Alt+Q), so if you do not enable it. it will not show it

Just press F5/F2 (force refresh)(depending on setup) and it fix it self.. This is an display error only.
It happens very rarly in special situation, often if the filesystem updating a lot at the same time that MC is doing something..  Never been able to recreate it.

Support and Feedback / Re: settings
« on: August 24, 2023, 10:01:35 »

REG:\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\MultiCommander\SessionConfig\AskLanguage   ( can be added to multicommander.xml as   <AskLanguage value="0"/>  under to root config node )

There are two way depending on how good error handling you want..

You can in the command line field type "cd temp\myfolder" and it will take you to "<currentpath>\temp\myfolder"

But instead of typing that in the commandline field you can automate that with a "Custom Commands" type Command..
Code: [Select]
MC.CmdLineRun CMD="cd Temp\myfolder"

However if path "mtemp\yfolder" does not exists, but temp\ exists, it will go into temp\ anyway.. there is no check if path exists.

2. User defined command of "MultiScript" type

Code: [Select]
@var $currentPath = GetSourcePath();
@var $newPath = $currentPath ^ "Temp\\MyFolder1"

if( FileExists($newPath) == 2 )
 MC.Explorer.Goto PATH="{$newPath}" SOURCE
It will only go to the path if the path exists, else it does nothing.

Support and Feedback / Re: Can I stop horizontal scrolling?
« on: August 09, 2023, 10:07:52 »
Hello everyone :)

I'm quite a newbie to Multi commander.

I like Multi Commander very much but there's one thing that's a bit annoying for me: The horizontal crolling in the folder tree window.

When I try to drag and drop a file to another folder the folder tree scrolls to the right. Sometimes the folder names become unreadable, especially with short folder names. They are simply scrolled away to the left.

Can I stop the horizontal scrolling and how can I do this?

Thank you for your help!


I'm not able to recreate this. If you while dragging in folder tree have mouse cursor at the begining / end of the line it will also scroll that way..

Support and Feedback / Re: Update the Microsoft store version?
« on: August 03, 2023, 10:18:23 »
'MultiCommander Store Edition' is now updated on Microsoft Store

Support and Feedback / Re: Optimization in List view
« on: July 31, 2023, 22:47:28 »
Okay, I thought I'd suggest that by default, in Details view, the left and right keyboard arrows would behave like PageUp and PageDown.
Doesn't that make more sense?
I think it makes more more sense to just press page up and page down.
L/R arrow keys are used in some setup for other things, like enter folders , send folder to other panel.

it is generated by the build system.
Removing language files your self and have it automatically update that file is not support.
You have to update that file also your self. But as soon as MC updates, it will overwrite it and you also get the new languages files.
All language files are only 1.6MB

Support and Feedback / Re: Optimization in List view
« on: July 30, 2023, 13:26:11 »
What du you want to do with left/right in detailed list mode ?  Arrow left/right works.. But by default maybe not what you want them to work. You can customize it.

They are not static. They are read from SupportedLanguages.xml

Support and Feedback / Re: Update the Microsoft store version?
« on: July 26, 2023, 07:53:41 »
Store because MS have Changed Things.
My Store App is broken - it dosn't matter.

Matthias, congratulations on new release (and new home).

Will the Microsoft Store version be updated, or is it permanently broken?

many thanks
It is coming. Just want to see so there is no major issue that needs fixing in 13.1, release on app store is a bit of a PITA.. so I will push to app store in around a week unless there are some issue that need fixing first..

multi-script function IsFolder
seems not working with long path in windows 10
Yes look like the script function is using the wrong internal method, and is not fall backing to retry with UNC path.. I will fix that for next release

It should work if you append "\\?\" before the path..  Window support long path for path using UNC path..   \\?\E:\Temp  instead of E:\Temp

Announcements and News / MultiCommander v13.0
« on: July 20, 2023, 13:13:45 »

After a long delay v13 is finally released.

There is not a massive amount of fixes.. The delay is because I have not had so much time to spend on MultiCommander.
It is because I have moved to a new home. And then I needed to renovate and fix that places. And to save money I been doing most of the renovating my self. So most of my free time have gone to that.
But that is soon over, And then I will have more time to spend on MultiCommander again.

Support and Feedback / Re: How to Compress and Copy Files.
« on: July 19, 2023, 23:07:33 »
Sorry. I cant create video..

If you do not even get it to work with portable version with default settings.. Then something is very strange. I don't even think a video would help.
A video would be to launch portable version, then select a file and press copy.

There must be something different with your setup that creates some sort of conflict. Or like I said before what is the other panel showing for path ? maybe it is a virtual / invalid copy target ?

Support and Feedback / Re: How to Compress and Copy Files.
« on: July 13, 2023, 23:35:07 »
Sorry I can't do that, I'm away.
But there is noting to it.. just start and select some files in one of the panel. the select copy.. "Copy to" diaog is shown where it shows the target path of the other panel that is not in focus. and then you confirm all copy settings/options and it starts.
Not sure why it does not work for you.. The question is what settings have you tweaked. ?

You can try it in the portable version (it will not change any settings of your current instance) and then try it without changing any of the settings. with just the default settings.

Support and Feedback / Re: How to Compress and Copy Files.
« on: July 13, 2023, 06:55:24 »
I don't know why it does not work for you.. Hmm the other panel, It is not that it shows a path that is virtual or invalid ?

Support and Feedback / Re: How to Compress and Copy Files.
« on: July 12, 2023, 22:55:38 »
How to make the Copy Process be from MultiCommander ?
All other way should use MC copy progress.  Copy from Menu, From Button panel, Toolbar Command (command 6) , drag and drop,  hot Key (Default F5 / F4 depending on default cfg), and some other way

Support and Feedback / Re: How to Compress and Copy Files.
« on: July 12, 2023, 22:46:21 »
Yes if you do Copy /Paste. Then the Windows Copy process is used..
Not sure what you changed to make the make pack and that not work, But I guess something been change that conflict with each other.  I'm not able to replicate that

Feature Requests and Suggestions / Re: Better use of space.
« on: July 12, 2023, 17:39:15 »
Problem is that normally you got the device dropdown there at the top and then there is not so much space left.. Also everything need to fit even you do not run it at a super high resolution. And normally the app is run with dual panels.. so then there is even less free space..

Support and Feedback / Re: How to Compress and Copy Files.
« on: July 12, 2023, 17:32:47 »
I notice that the file copy is not being done by the multi-Commander, it is showing me the normal Windows window.

It depends on HOW you starts a copy operation. 
Normally MC will do the copy.. But if you do copy / paste the copy operation will be handled by Windows since it might require special handling of Windows.

And when I click to perform the file compression Clicking with the other mouse button and going to the option "MultiCommander" -> "Compress Files" nothing happens
Strange. I cannot reproduce that.
You should get a Pack files dialog where you then select what packer to use and target name.. and the if you press Ok it pack the selected files into a zip (if you selected zip)

Currently the "virtual" folders are not shown in the root in the tree.  (It will be added in the future. But require a bit a redesigned.. so it been pushed to the future for now.. but it is coming)
You can have shortcuts for them in the toolbar or with keys that will take you to those locations

Support and Feedback / Re: How to make this kind of selection ?
« on: July 11, 2023, 07:13:32 »

Explorer Panel Settings > Display (Tab)
Under section : "Selection and Checking of item"
Check "Selection rectangle"

Support and Feedback / Re: FTP TLS Connection Error
« on: July 11, 2023, 07:08:49 »
Often this happens because it fails to enabled a TLS connection.

MC is using built in Windows functions for TLS negotiation, Not OpenSSL (that the others are using), (Support for OpenSSL is planed for the future..)

Problem is that MC is depending on what chiphers Windows support or has enabled, Windows support most of them but some of them that are not considers fully safe are disabled by default.
It is possible to enable them. With this tool you can modify that, But then you must know exactly what Chipers combination you need.

Support and Feedback / Re: Standby while copying on Windows 11
« on: June 07, 2023, 11:41:31 »
MC do not block sleep at the moment. but depending on settings, Windows will not put it to sleep if there are lots of IO activity.., But depends on power profile.

But I will check if is possible to add some more control of this.

...up files, it will now save a 100/0 panel split. will not save a 100/0 panel split.
Yes  typo.. you are correct  it should say *NOT*

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