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Messages - Mathias (Author)

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Ah, ok! o)

It's a bit confusing, suddenly there is a filename instead of a folder path in the "Copy files to.." field and it only seems to work for 1 of many selected items.
Still useful, since the date stamps will be copied when "duplicating" this way instead of using CTRL+C and CTRL-V (which seems to use the Windows shell "Copy" method, which does not preserve "Date created").

Alright, thank you! o)

Yes when you do quick copy.. When doing normal copy you get the target location.  F5/F2 (depending on keysetup)

Copy / Paste are made to copy some data from one program to another. it is made to be used to copy files.. When you copy / paste a file from one program to another. It just tell the other program
File copy this file(s) I have here in this path stored as plain text

You can't configure that in the editor for Custom Context menu ?
You can set if items should be shown for folders, files, both ?

Well yes and no.. o)
I can set whether to show the context menu entry for files or folders or both, but that does not help when clicking in the background of the file display, no file or folder selected.

Technically, clicking in the background of the file display should bring the menu items related to a folder, but it's another context, where things like "Rename", "Delete" etc. are not available. I mean they could be available, since why not rename the folder you are currently in, I actually added this functionality into another file manager I am using, but if the options don't work, it makes no sense to show them.

Maybe take a look at this screenshot:
This is Explorer's context menu on the file display background (the current folder), it also does not show "Rename", "Delete" etc., even though I technically should get all the operations being possible on a folder. I guess most people would be irritated if they could click "Delete" and the folder they are in would be removed from the disk, and the path is changed to the parent folder automatically (since the file manager does not have anything to show anymore for "this" path, which does not exist anymore).

Clicking on the backgroud you are actually clicking on the parent folder. so doing delete there might delete the entire folder you are in.
But maybe block commands like that in that situation would solve that.

Some items are not shown just becuse they are not tagged to be shown.  Delete/Rename are not in the MC menu because they are dupicates in the shell menu. but maybe can be added.

There are some others that often answer If I'm slow..

Duplicate file in same folder

I don't want to show all information in the regular tooltip, I was just talking about the positioning. Not sure what you mean, but ok! Thank you! o)
You can set so tooltip is only shown if the filename is too short to be shown completely.

I was trying to get rid of the windows shell context menu, it makes things slow and if I would use the Copy/Paste from the windows shell menu, timestamps will not be copied, which is why I need to use a different file manager than Explorer in the first place, apart from hundreds of other quirks of course! o)

While we are at it, is there a way to hide custom context menu entries, if the context menu is triggered on the file display background, so the actual target is not a folder/file from the listed items, but the folder I am in?
You can't configure that in the editor for Custom Context menu ?
You can set if items should be shown for folders, files, both ?


The black color looks like a left over or artefact from previously using a dark theme or something, but I did not mess with the themes yet, if I remember correctly o). Can these be colors and margins be changed someshow?

Yes the black part should not be black in None-DarkMode. I will look into that

Talking tooltips: Is there a setting to affect the regular tooltip somehow? Especially the position it opens on?
It always opens directly over the filename column, hiding all the filenames below, in contrast to the preview tooltip, which opens at the mouse cursor position.

No settings, I think.. showing full information in tooltip can be a bit large.

Hello Matthias,

thank you for your response. I tried to explicitly change to dark mode and back, but no way. The preview keeps being black, the switch between light/dark mode ruined all my font settings and probably some more, but I had a copy of the folder.. so I was back to where I left off very quickly.

I don't get how the preview template is related to the multi viewer. I can add random text to a preview template and it will show in the preview tooltip and in the preview panel, but setting a FontSize e.g., only affects the preview tooltip font size. I also found a font setting in..

MultiCommander_v14.1.0.3017_x64_portable\Config\Extensions\MultiFileViewer\MultiFileViewer.xml, but it had no effect.

There are 2 more config files for the same plugin, looking very similar, why do these exist in 2 places, do you know?

This plugin also seems to appear under various names, as "MultiFileViewer" and "File Viewer" in "Manage Plugins and Extension.."
and as "MultiDataViewer" in "File Type Setup..". Is this the same plugin each time?

In general I get a bit confused, if you find the time to answer, thank you.. o)

1) "Preview Customization.. " in the menu, it allows to map preview templates to file extensions, so this is (mainly) for the tooltip, right?
     It somehow affects the preview panel as well though. Since any text entered in a template, will also show up in the preview panel.

2) You said: "the panel view is the entire multiviewer that shown the data. so it support  highlighthing and lots more stuff"
    It seems to me that "MultiDataViewer" under Menu -> "File Type Setup.. " is the viewer, which opens in a separate window only?
    Or is there a way to make it work in the preview panel as well?

3) Is there a compatible Total Commander (or anything) plugin, that would allow setting a Font when previewing text files in the preview panel?
    Maybe there is something that allows to handle images a bit better (quickly zoom in/out in the preview panel e.g.)?

When speaking of "Preview Panel", I mean what the MC GUI is declaring as "Preview Panel", shown as tab in one of the two file displays.

Thanks! o)

The config files in the Extension folders are the default.. the other are used if they exists. (and are created from the default when settings are changed/saved)
Preview panel is quick new. So there are still things to add on the to-do list.

1) No it should affect both..  it is what template to use for different file types. should affect both.

2) It is also used a a viewer but then support more.. core part of it is used in preview panel when showing text content.

3) not currently

As probably already mentioned in the other thread, setting the font size in the template does not seem to have an effect on the preview panel, it only seems to affect the tooltip.

Here is a screenshot demonstrating what happens, when I set the FontSize to "80", only the text in the tooltip gets smaller.

Thank you! o)

Ok maybe, Showing text content in preview handler is redirected to the MultiDataViewerControl. it is not just static text. it is a full viewer there.. so might be that it does not pick up the font size

All commands does not fit as commands for the context menu. so they are 'flagged' if they are commands that should show up there. Might be that some commands miss that flag.

'Rename' the normal 'rename' from the shell part is already calling the normal. so duplication.

I don't think so.
The color for the popup is from the tooltip thingy. and I dont think it is customizable.
The preview panel is dark only in dark mode I believe. it follows that.

What shown inside the preview drawing area can be changed in the Preview templates. But not all properties are exposed

Also showing text content is different from the popup and panel preview, The popup is just plain text..  the panel view is the entire multiviewer that shown the data. so it support  highlighthing and lots more stuff

No currently the font can't be changed there.
The size can be set in the template , but in % .. eg 100%, 90% and so on.

SDK / Re: question 1
« on: June 25, 2024, 15:41:16 »
Depends on what type of extension..

From the IMultiAppInterface interface.

 // Create new log
 virtual ILogger*  CreateLogger() = 0;

 // Log to existing log
 virtual void LogFmt( UINT nLogID , LogLevel nLevel ,  const char*  strText , ... ) = 0;
 virtual void LogFmt( UINT nLogID , LogLevel nLevel ,  const WCHAR* strText , ... ) = 0;
 virtual void Log( UINT nLogID , LogLevel nLevel ,  const char*  strText ) = 0;
 virtual void Log( UINT nLogID , LogLevel nLevel ,  const WCHAR* strText ) = 0;

Code: [Select]
long MCAppExtensionSample::PreStartInit( IMultiAppInterface* pAppInterface )

  pAppInterface->LogFmt(0, LogLevel::_DEBUG_, L"Loading... %s", L"Parameter");

2) Id is just start from 0 to n , It is so you can have multiple extension in the same dll.
If you only have 1 extension. let it be 0.

string strmc=“Multi commander is using the Commander Style Look and Feel”
string strwin="Multi commander is using the Window Explorer Style Look and Feel"

string strMcTips="how do you want to control Multi Commander\n"+strmc+"\n The Commander.."
string strWinTips="how do you want to control Multi Commander\n"+strwin+"\n The Commander.."


hope it display

“Multi commander is using the Window Explorer Style Look and Feel ”


“Multi commander is using the Commander Style Look and Feel as default”

Not sure what you mean.??

Yes by default MC is using Commander Style. If you cancel that dialog on first startup, you end up with commander styled.
If you want MC mouse / keyboard be setup to be like Windows Explorer. You need to configure that your self OR select the Quick Look 'n'Feel dialog. that will change all settings to switch setup

There is no "Commander Style" is ON / OFF thing..  When switching Windows Explorer mode, a whole range of settings are modified to match how Windows Explorer works.
Mouse settings are changed to match Windows Explorer. and how selection work.  You can do all this changes your self in Core settings and Explorer Panel Settings. You can do the quick switch to Windows Explorer mode and then customize some things to work like Commander style. 
Commander Style / Windows Explorer mode is not a simple on off thing. it just a quick way to change MANY settings to change MC

multicommander default use farar.dll unrar *.rar.

if select "windows explorer compatibility look'n'Feel"

auto diable farar.dll and can use winrar.exe open *.rar.



you mean FSRar.dll , The Rar Extension for MC ?

None of the extensions are disabled when switching mode..

Switching mode is just a quick way to switch many settings at once.

You can disabled that extension in the "Manage Plugins and Extensions" dialog.

hope it display

“Multi commander is using the Window Explorer Style Look and Feel ”


“Multi commander is using the Commander Style Look and Feel as default”

Not sure what you mean.??

Yes by default MC is using Commander Style. If you cancel that dialog on first startup, you end up with commander styled.
If you want MC mouse / keyboard be setup to be like Windows Explorer. You need to configure that your self OR select the Quick Look 'n'Feel dialog. that will change all settings to switch setup

Have see no issue when switching to Windows Explorer mode..  What issue do you have? what do you do ?

Dont understand you second part.

SDK / Re: buidl err
« on: June 25, 2024, 07:27:09 »
Ah 64bit build.

replace line with
if(szNewFilename[0] == L'\0')

You can just removed the postbuild step, It is only used to copy it to folder where MC is.

Support and Feedback / Re: I can't read buttons text
« on: June 24, 2024, 13:35:43 »
Thank you for answering so quickly. Attached photo in No_Dark mode
And YES, I use UltraUXThemePatcher... Is this the problem, you think?
Best Regards

I think the ThemePatcher is the issue, When using dark theme in MC, Theme Patcher is overwriting some of the drawing and draws buttons that are not darkmode..
Might work if you configure ThemePatcher to draw in dark mode too. (If that is possible, not sure how configurable Themepatcher is)

Support and Feedback / Re: "file type" language
« on: June 24, 2024, 11:36:05 »
1) File type names shown from the filetype columns is returned by Windows. MC ask windows for them. It should return same in Windows Explorer.

I don't know what does "is returned by Windows" mean. But I tried simple reading (Default) value for file extension from registry and then LoadString/RegLoadMUIStringW. Simple reading returns unclocalized string (I tested on RUS/ENG lang packs), while the latter return localized one.

The "FileType Name" Column. (Added in 14.1)  MC asks Windows for the filetype

C/C++ API call to SHGetFileInfoW returns that.

Code: [Select]
  UINT sizeFile = sizeof(fileInfo);
  if (!SHGetFileInfoW(szFilePath, 0, &fileInfo, sizeFile, Flags))
    return false;
  // FileType is set in

Support and Feedback / Re: I can't read buttons text
« on: June 24, 2024, 11:12:04 »
Don't know why it looks like that for you.
The checkboxes are also in a none standard color.

Are you running some 3rd party Theme changer in Windows ?

How does it look if DarkMode in MC is not enabled ?

Support and Feedback / Re: "file type" language
« on: June 24, 2024, 09:04:13 »
I am using a Chinese language pack, but when I added "file type", it did not display in Chinese.
I used language editing extensions and found that I couldn't find the relevant items and couldn't understand the sorting rules.
So I decompressed the language pack and searched for relevant text. I can't find it either.

Additionally, I found that columnset is stored in columnsetsXML. Directly stored name.
When switching languages, columns seem to not switch based on language changes

1) File type names shown from the filetype columns is returned by Windows. MC ask windows for them. It should return same in Windows Explorer.

2) Yes some places do not support the multi language system. Like the "name" of default column sets.

Beta Releases / Re: v14.0 BETA
« on: June 20, 2024, 14:54:38 »
when checking if file exists the GetFileAttributes(..) API is used. But for the special system files it return false and set error code to FILE_NOT_FOUND.

I tried PathFileExists(). For non-existing file it returns 0x02 FILE_NOT_FOUND while for "hiberfil.sys" it returns 0x20 ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION. Also FindFirstFile() succeedes.

It looks inconsistent when you see a file in the panel, but script says it doesn't exist.
Yes some Windows API report  NOT FOUND and some SHARING VIOLATION..
Its only for some very special system files. Not sure it is worth the time to create some workaround just for them.

Beta Releases / Re: v14.0 BETA
« on: June 20, 2024, 11:20:52 »
If FileExists return 0 then Windows return error when checking for those special file. Windows actually return ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND when trying to check those files.
But MC somehow shows that files in Explorer Panels. If it can detect them, then I don't see a reason why MultiScript's FileExists could not.
Try IsFolder() for "hiberfil.sys"

Listing all files just to see if a file exists is not efficient. It is very slow.
when checking if file exists the GetFileAttributes(..) API is used. But for the special system files it return false and set error code to FILE_NOT_FOUND.

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