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Messages - Mathias (Author)

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Support and Feedback / Re: how to add filetyoe column
« on: June 20, 2024, 10:49:29 »
The program can now display the extension column, but cannot find the file type column.
The program has already obtained the icon for the file, so it should also be able to obtain the file type.

I hope to display the corresponding type column like explorer  . thanks

Never been a request for actually showing that.. But I think it is easy to add.. See if I get time to add it to 14.1

Beta Releases / Re: v14.0 BETA
« on: June 20, 2024, 10:48:07 »

I don't see it losing defined scripables columns. have you checked  the option for the script to be a FileProp?
Thanks. Checking this option works.

But there's another issue. Some multiscript functions fails with certain files. E.g. FileExists returns 0 for "hiberfil.sys", "pagefilt.sys", "swapfile.sys". And IsFolder fails with script engine error.

This sample code: will variable be visible out of its scope?

Code: [Select]
if(IsVariableDefined("$_FILEPROP_FILEPATH") == 0)
  @var $_FILEPROP_FILEPATH = GetTargetFocusPath();

it should be "@gvar" to force defined a global. But that branch is not merged. Will fix that tonight.

IsFolder() works for me

If FileExists return 0 then Windows return error when checking for those special file. Windows actually return ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND when trying to check those files.

Beta Releases / Re: v14.0 BETA
« on: June 20, 2024, 09:13:34 »
Example of script that will just show the file extension in a column.

Code: [Select]
if(IsVariableDefined("$_FILEPROP_FILEPATH") == 0)
  @var $_FILEPROP_FILEPATH = GetTargetFocusPath();

@var $ext = PathGetFileExtPart($_FILEPROP_FILEPATH);


On the line "@var $ext = PathGetFileExtPart($_FILEPROP_FILEPATH);" I get error "Script engine error => Failed to process token - "$ext"" although IsVariableDefined() returns 1.


2. Script list for a scriptable column is empty.
3. Scriptable columns are completely lost after closing MC (not only from displayed column, but from the available columns list)

I found that IsVariableDefined always return 1.  even if it is not defined.. that the only issue i found

I don't see it losing defined scripables columns. have you checked  the option for the script to be a FileProp?

maybe the script was created before you needed to allowed it to be run as fileprop column, thr script need the option "AllowAsFileProp"  to be clicking on the "*" in the script editor.
It will add
#options (AllowAsFileProp) 
At the top of the script..

so if you created the column before that was added it can be why it is not shown in the list.

I found the issue.. Will be fixed in 14.1 that will be release in this weekend (hopefully)

I tried that. See the attachment. The autocomplete does not happen.

Ah yes. there is no autocomplete in the field.  Not sure if it can be applied. Will check..  the Autocomplete is a build in Windows things that can be assigned to some fields..

As is:
You can only type the folder or path with autocomplete on the address bar editor below the icon tool bar.

I used the address bar bread crumb below the drive letter. Can you allow us to double click on the path and then typing the folder.
Autocomplete options appear to allow me to navigate the path while typing.

If you double click after the text, it enters edit mode. or press Ctrl+E
Might maybe be possible to add so it is possible to enter edit on double click on name to.

its not the lenght.. there is no limit for that.. I guess it is how you write it

If you are looking for a file called "Sockets, Shellcode, Porting, & Coding. Reverse Engineering Exploits & Tool Coding For Sec Pro.pdf"
then put it around " around it. else it will break on spaces.. and each part is a filter..  "Sockets," "Shellcode," If you want to match many keyword use space,
The it will be a OR match.. if you do "Sockets Shellcode" it will find all items matching "Sockets" OR "ShellCode"  it does not require both of them to be there

For that you need to rightclick and the filter icon and selected advanced filtering and create a advanced one.

Or do a regexp match.. if you start the filter with ":" then you are matching using regex

Support and Feedback / Re: Multi Commander stays in background
« on: June 08, 2024, 15:25:57 »
Probably a Windows issue.. MC have no control over that

Support and Feedback / Re: Multi Commander stays in background
« on: June 08, 2024, 10:23:48 »
MC do not control that. It is handled by the Windows manager in Windows.
Only time MC messes with that is if you force it to be "topmost" using cmd "topmost 1" in cmdline field.
But that sets it to top window.. not bottom.

Beta Releases / Re: v14.0 BETA
« on: May 25, 2024, 08:14:29 »
Good catch.. Will fix that
For normal file copy it should be enabled, if copying inside archives it should not

That's really odd.

I tried it on 2 PCs, one with Windows 7, the other with Windows 10.
I tried it with the installer and the portable version.
I even tried earlier versions, back to the oldest available on the download page (v11.3).
The only changes in the configuration I made was unchecking "Show link target in name column".

The results were frustratingly consistent:
Toggling the option always made targets appear or disappear for symlinks to directories. But it had no effect on symlinks to files. For them the target was always displayed.

It's not as if the universe would implode, if that mystery couldn't be solved.
But it would be very convenient, if symlinks were a bit less obtrusive.

So, though I know that this question is slightly impertinent ;): Did it really really ever work as intended with file symlinks?

Correct.. for files it does not check that option.. Easy fix.. will be fixed in next version

That's really odd.

I tried it on 2 PCs, one with Windows 7, the other with Windows 10.
I tried it with the installer and the portable version.
I even tried earlier versions, back to the oldest available on the download page (v11.3).
The only changes in the configuration I made was unchecking "Show link target in name column".

The results were frustratingly consistent:
Toggling the option always made targets appear or disappear for symlinks to directories. But it had no effect on symlinks to files. For them the target was always displayed.

It's not as if the universe would implode, if that mystery couldn't be solved.
But it would be very convenient, if symlinks were a bit less obtrusive.

So, though I know that this question is slightly impertinent ;): Did it really really ever work as intended with file symlinks?

ah Files. Hmm I only have Folders here.. Will check tomorrow.

No if you uncheck that, symlinks should not show target path.. maybe the view is not refreshed ?

Support and Feedback / Re: Can't Open .jpg files
« on: May 23, 2024, 18:47:00 »
Is the jpg you try to open sync to local ?
maybe you did something from MC that trigger it to download and sync a file on onedrive., and then you aborted the sync and told it to block that app (MC) .? (Then you need to unblock it in Settings in onedrive)

Texts ? I don't know. Have not seen that. Are that for files on onedrive ?

Support and Feedback / Re: Issue with drag and drop
« on: May 22, 2024, 17:25:40 »
I can drag and drop a file from MC and drop into "file upload" place on a webpage  (Like
If I hover over a tab in chrome. while dragging. the tab is switching.. 

MC have no control of any of that. Sounds like a browser issue.. If you search for drag and drop issue with chrome there are many results.

Support and Feedback / Re: Dynamic Documents folder path
« on: May 20, 2024, 15:22:25 »
You can use environment variables in path for favorites..


Beta Releases / Re: v14.0 BETA
« on: May 20, 2024, 07:18:39 »
Yes, text is ok, but not the two boxes.
Both boxes should be at the same height / level.
The problem is if they are, it looks like the advanced button and save button belong to the settings for Keeping incomplete/Broken files.

I been thinking to swap the left and right side if settings. then the buttons is not so close to just one setting

Beta Releases / Re: v14.0 BETA
« on: May 19, 2024, 22:27:42 »
Does this really looks good for you?
Looks like the text fits into the fields

Documentation / Re: Missing Documentation - Status
« on: May 19, 2024, 08:55:18 »
I discovered TabSessions by myself, so I am not quite aware of what exists about this.
Can you confirm the documentation is still missing ?
I imagine the preferred format is HTML ?
Any stylesheet ready ? Right that for this I can have a look in the existing pages.
Yes lots of things missing from doc. Writing doc takes a lot of time. and my free time is a bit limited. So When I get time to spend time on MC it is bug fixes and new things that gets the prio.

The documentation is on GitHub.

But there no good offline reader for them, The pages are not complete html pages. Only HTML content, since they are on the website inserted into the template used and so..
Only offline reader is if you got Python then you open Phyton as a webserver with index.html and browse to it using browser.

Beta Releases / Re: v14.0 BETA
« on: May 18, 2024, 23:21:00 »
Hi Mathias,

in latest beta there is a small glitch. Should be on the same level, or not? Possible to fix?

What is the issue ?

Support and Feedback / Re: How to Drop&Run?
« on: May 17, 2024, 20:00:47 »
When you drag a file onto an executable file (e.g., a .exe file) in Windows Explorer, Windows passes the full path of the dragged file as a parameter to the executable.

For example, if you have a file named example.txt located at C:\Users\User\Documents\example.txt and you drag this file onto an executable named processfile.exe, the executable will receive the file path as an argument.

When you drag example.txt onto processfile.exe and run it, the output will look something like this:

Argument 0: C:\Path\To\Executable\processfile.exe
Argument 1: C:\Users\User\Documents\example.txt

argv[0] is the path to the executable itself, and argv[1] is the path to the dragged file. If multiple files are dragged, they will be passed as additional arguments (argv[2], argv[3], etc.).

yes Arg1 is the first parameter to the program. argv0 is always the exe of the program it self. it is not something any program sent to it.

Beta Releases / Re: Copy to zip: skip all doesn't work.
« on: May 17, 2024, 14:45:54 »
I just double click on part 1 of the rar-set. If I don't use MC I get the PW dialog as expected. 

Hmm strange.. I can Navigate into the rar (multi rar archive). select files,  select copy.  asked for password.. enter password. and copy continues..
Not sure what is different.

yes search settings should be remembered

Thanks for info Mathias.
Could it be related to the build of RAR that was used to create the set?
I'll see if I have some old files & try them.
It might be if it is fully encrypted with encrypted files name or just the data.. with only data it can open the rar for browsing without password..

Support and Feedback / Re: How to Drop&Run?
« on: May 17, 2024, 14:04:57 »
I see. Is that possible to use Alt or Shift as the modifier key? They are not used, right?
Please consider to follow the parameter convention. Currently, my programs can not recognize the file path.
Not sure what you talking about parameter convention..  The dropped file are sent as a parameter to the file it is dropped on. just like you would call it on the command line.
App.exe <Path of dropped file>

Beta Releases / Re: Copy to zip: skip all doesn't work.
« on: May 17, 2024, 12:39:27 »
I just double click on part 1 of the rar-set. If I don't use MC I get the PW dialog as expected. 

Hmm strange.. I can Navigate into the rar (multi rar archive). select files,  select copy.  asked for password.. enter password. and copy continues..
Not sure what is different.

yes search settings should be remembered

Thanks for info Mathias.
Could it be related to the build of RAR that was used to create the set?
I'll see if I have some old files & try them.
or maybe some rar settings

Support and Feedback / Re: How to Drop&Run?
« on: May 17, 2024, 10:17:17 »
Drop to run in filelist conflict with the Copy and replace feature.. (Drag file to replace another)

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