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Topics - gzycy

Pages: [1]
i have a fold with to many files/folds that fillup the whole list view(maybe with right scroll-bar). in MC,i am difficult to create a new fold in this fold.that is ,right-click in anywhere of this list view,NEW menu nevey exist. the only one place i can see new menu is ths ".." item, but this create a new fold in the parent fold ,instead in current fold.

Support and Feedback / Strange Tray Icon
« on: December 18, 2012, 10:16:25 »
I have uncheck everything about tray icon.
but the tray icon still shows up occasionally ,i am not sure how and when it comes out.

Support and Feedback / Quick Lauch Item command path problem
« on: December 11, 2012, 07:24:16 »
       i try to easy java decomplie operation by adding  "java decompiler tool" to  quick lauch command of MC. but there is a problem.
       when i put jd-gui.exe in D:\Tools\JAVA\JAVADC\\jd-gui.exe,and drag this exe to quick lauch, and then drag a class file to this item on quicklauch,MC only lauch jd-gui.exe WITHOUT commandline parameters,then jd-gui.exe don't open any file.
       but when i put to D:\Tools\JAVA\JAVADC\jdui\jd-gui.exe,everthing work fine.MC lauch jd-gui.exe with filename of my selection as commandline parameter,so jd-gui.exe decompile my class file .

     and also,i try to put a exe with long path(i don't try to find how long it could be) on quick lauch, and the quick lauch item don't work at all(the exe file don't start).

Feature Requests and Suggestions / tag for muti-select files
« on: November 29, 2012, 06:40:35 »
is there a tag for selected more than one files.
that is ,we i select more than one file on focus tab ,and pass this tag to UDC ,my command can retrieve all files i selected.

in button editor and user defined commands editors ,we often need  parameters for external commands and others.
and we can't remember somany tags of MC.
so,is it possible to select tags for command parameters in these editors, like what show in attachment.

Support and Feedback / button panels question
« on: October 10, 2012, 05:12:58 »
i see <buttonpanel id="1"> element in multiButton.xml,does the id propertites means that i can create more than one buttonpanel in MC with diffirent id .if so ,how can i swith between button panels.

Support and Feedback / bug of multi-rename extension
« on: September 20, 2012, 03:24:05 »
multi-rename is unable to generate filename with some tag.
repro step: multi-rename ,click < button on the right of filename input box
2.choose plugin and more
3. select extended last modified insert
5.back in multi-rename.the new filename column should show like "data2012xxxx",that is ,org name followed by file modified date.but currently ,the file name doesn't change.

many of other tags don't also work ,i have try most of date-relate tag,none of them works.

Support and Feedback / can MC support flat files view
« on: September 14, 2012, 08:41:52 »
flat files view is a way to view and operator all files under a folder and under all it subfolders.
for example,the attached picture is a flat view of the MC app folder.

when dragging a folder from TortoiseSVN ,MC first confirms "copy 19 files to ...." (the folder in SVN do have 18 files). click YES,then MC prompt "0 of 0 items done"

and .....nothing,no files copy to local disk.

refresh a locked tab will open a new none-locked tab.
refesh a none-locked tab only REFRESH the current tab.

and also happend when refresh on c:\ tab(unlock on right panel ,and lock or unlock on left panel) and regain focus to mc(that is ,switch to other apps and switch back).
and ,if refresh too many times(most more than 3),MC crashes.

this bug occurs on version v2.7(build 1171) 64 bit version.

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