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Messages - Mathias (Author)

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Beta Releases / Re: PictureViewer Beta ArrowKeys Perusal To Next Item
« on: December 18, 2024, 14:56:26 »
Well it is stable since it works for me and I cannot reproduce any issues. :)

Not like I have a test department. Stuff only gets fixed if people can report a way to reproduce it. :) So maybe if somebody else have issue with it. They can report it so I can reproduce it.

By typing ":goconfig" in command line field, it will go to the config folder that are used. then you see what config files it is using

Beta Releases / Re: PictureViewer Beta ArrowKeys Perusal To Next Item
« on: December 18, 2024, 14:15:05 »
Then something is very weird with your system. The log you sent shows that it goes to the next file. But the files was not pictures. so it failed decode them to shown them.

Don't remember. Cant check now.. But if you look in the portable zip..  in multicommander.xml  one of the first values at the top tells it to be portable. (Its not called portable.. the only differens is where it should look for the config files, so might be something about config )

Beta Releases / Re: PictureViewer Beta ArrowKeys Perusal To Next Item
« on: December 18, 2024, 13:43:23 »
It say it failed to load image.. guess there are lots of none image files there

No WIn10 issue.. Works on all machine I test on.. Not sure what you expect to show if you view lots of none picture files..  Try to actually view some pictures

If settings are stored in APPDATA then you are not running portable.
There only different between portable and not is a default configuration option in app/config/multicommander.xml

Beta Releases / v14.5 BETA
« on: December 18, 2024, 12:28:11 »

-- 3053 - (2024-12-22)

 ADDED - Option to change how Preview panel works. "Autoload preview when file focus changes" (Default) Then it works like before
         If turned off, Preview is shown/updated only when the Show Preview toolbar/hotkey is pressed (Shift+Alt+Q).
 FIXED - Navigating into FTP site now works again
 FIXED - Issue with creating very large zip, Sometimes the zip64 header was not created correctly
 FIXED - 2 Stability issues

-- 3051 - (2024-12-18)
 ADDED - Missing Language pack updates.

-- 3050 ( 2024-12-18 )

 ADDED - Logging for when PictureViewer failes to open image
 CHANGE- Preload cache for Picture viewer change from 10 to 5
 FIXED - PictureViewer now always show filename in titlebar, even if it failed to load it
 FIXED - Rename - Replace in file now support large input texts and also remember last used text again
 FIXED - PictureViewer should work for Win7/Win8 again
 FIXED - 2 Stability issues

-- 3049  ( 2024-12-16 )
 ADDED - Command line field command ":find <wildcard>" will start a FindFiles operation finding files matching the wildcard filter ( Eg ":find *.txt" )
 ADDED - Picture viewer can now go to next/prev image in that folder automatically
 ADDED - Path history can now be remembered between sessions
 ADDED - FolderTree - Highlight of active folder and their parent can now be configured to be shown with different style/color
 ADDED - Some File Drops from some other applications will now be handled better
 FIXED - Cleanup configuration removed for Portable mode
 FIXED - 6 Stability issues

Support and Feedback / Re: internal picture viewer is missing
« on: December 18, 2024, 11:13:51 »
So then it is a configuration issue in your downgraded 14.1. 
Configuration for installed version is stored at C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Roaming\MultiCommander\Config\
if you can try to delete just FileTypes.xml. and se if that help. else you might need to delete them all.

Look like the new picture viewer in 14.3 does not like Win8.. might be an easy fix, maybe. There will be a new beta for 14.5 today that does something to one win8 issue I found.. but there might be more, Im not sure.
I don't have a machine with that old OS so I cant fully test that.

1) No MC has no control over how the preview of PDF looks like..  It uses the Preview Handler that are install into the Windows Shell (Windows Explorer) MC has no control of the button inside it. It can all depends on what preview handler for PDF is installed.

2) You can edit the Preview template in Menu > Configuration > Preview Customization.. However I recommend to backup the DataPreviewTemplates.xml file first. since it is very easy to mess up the templates
and for PDF it is the "Windows Preview Handler" that needs to be modified. This also changes the template for all other format that are handled and shown by the Windows Preview Handlers. (pdf , ms office documents)

Support and Feedback / Re: internal picture viewer is missing
« on: December 18, 2024, 10:03:02 »
downgrade - i downloaded the  installation file and install it , without uninstalling previous version it overwrited the higher ver.

portable ver. 14.4  behaves same way as the installed - in extension plugin manager are the "Picture Tools" and "MCPictureViewer" missing

log is in attachement  - no error  (now ver 14.1)
Sorry I meant portable for 14.1 or 14.2, The new picture viewer was added in 14.3 We already establish that the new picture viewer does not work on Windows 8.
If that work then it is a configuration issue

Support and Feedback / Re: internal picture viewer is missing
« on: December 18, 2024, 09:16:40 »
Might be that something in the new PictureViewer is using something that Win8 does not support. I will check (  14.1 is using the old picture viewer, and is not depended on Windows)

config look correct. But hard to see from screen shots.
When downgrade.. did you do a full reinstall ? Does it work in portable package out of box without configuration ?

Not sure why View does not work for you. any error in the log windows (Ctrl+L) ?

Beta Releases / Re: PictureViewer Beta ArrowKeys Perusal To Next Item
« on: December 18, 2024, 08:19:40 »
Must be something that steals the Windows Messages that are sent. I will remap the Ids to higher values, might fix it

Beta Releases / Re: PictureViewer Beta ArrowKeys Perusal To Next Item
« on: December 18, 2024, 07:34:05 »
Im not sure what you done.. If "View File" command in ButtonBar/Toolbar/Menu does not work.. F1 will not work either. they all connect to same command.. if button/Toolbar/Menu work but not F1 then it is mapping that is off

Else it is the configuration in FileType setup, There is a "Reset to default" button in the FileType setup that will remove all and replace with default.
the MCPictureViewer is devided into many profiles, So you can easily just replace some of them. and to also be able to remove the ones you don't want

Beta Releases / Re: PictureViewer Beta ArrowKeys Perusal To Next Item
« on: December 17, 2024, 22:06:18 »
O.K. I narrowed it down to SessionConfig, when I replaced that /w a copy from the Beta Portable, the Images are properly cycled & detected !! I'll see if I can make a transition to a working version of the SessionConfig folder without any data loss. Also I replaced Config + Extensions, but the bug still persisted. Now I need to find out what in the SessionConfig folder is causing the Images to not be detected.
P.S: I found it, it's a prob in SessionConfig\History folder !!!! Oops no it's something else, I'm still looking into it, now it says there's 147 images in Title Bar, I'll figure it out.
P.P.S: Now even the fresh d'ld copies are broken —they do not display the Folder Image Count in the Title Bar.  :(

It queue all files in the current folder. It filter away some know file types like .exe, dll, pdf and so on,  But it will can queue none image files.. it will just fail to load them and show a blank screen.

Hmm I can remapp all command to higher ids, so if there are some conflicts with app that hook them self into the application it might solve it.

Support and Feedback / Re: internal picture viewer is missing
« on: December 17, 2024, 20:57:26 »
Also what Windows version are you running ?

Support and Feedback / Re: Smartphone Verbindung
« on: December 17, 2024, 18:38:52 »
I cannot reproduce the issue.  what folder is that. normal or special folder ?

Support and Feedback / Re: internal picture viewer is missing
« on: December 17, 2024, 14:36:48 »
Strang.. "Picture Tools" and "MCPictureViewer" is missing.
You can try to run the Update tool and select "Force" in settings..  Or reinstall.

Beta Releases / Re: PictureViewer Beta ArrowKeys Perusal To Next Item
« on: December 17, 2024, 12:01:04 »
There is no different from portable. It is the exact same exe.
And if it show 1/8 it detected other files in the folder..

So space / backspace key did not work (NOT toolbar icons) ?

Support and Feedback / Re: internal picture viewer is missing
« on: December 17, 2024, 11:45:42 »
You should have MCPictureViewer in the list and by default there should be a couple of items there.
Check the Extension/Plugin Manager under configuration and see if it is listed there. If not then you have a bad install.

So no commands works. that very strange. Does space / backspace work ?
Like something is blocking the command for you..  You have any program running that hook it self into running processes. Like autohotkey or thinks like that

Support and Feedback / Re: button panel text not saved.
« on: December 17, 2024, 07:28:13 »
Maybe you you changed some buttons and the manual edit of the file got overwritten ?

As I said. it is in 3049.. It should work. don't know why it does not work for you.
I cannot reproduce that it does not work

Support and Feedback / Re: Smartphone Verbindung
« on: December 16, 2024, 21:45:56 »
This forum is in english. Please write question in english

Beta Releases / Re: PictureViewer Beta ArrowKeys Perusal To Next Item
« on: December 16, 2024, 21:43:59 »
In beta. for 14.5 (build 3049)

If none/only 1 file is selected. it will queue up all files in the folder..
You see the image queue in the title bar eg [4/10] space / backspace goes to next / prev image and also arrow button

if you select mutiple images only the selected items are queued

The last one in the progress dialog can be tricky. I would try to avoid reszing that dialog.
Is it possible to rephrase the text so it gets a little smaller ?

There is no official way from Mircosoft to do that. But there is registry hack to do it.
But MC by default do not support to replace Windows Explorer by it self. Because MC promise to NOT modify ANY of your Windows settings.

Support and Feedback / Re: MC using wrong app to open multiple files
« on: December 07, 2024, 10:02:59 »
Return is Open/Run (unless it is a folder then it is Navigate into)

If you have multipe files select and to Open/Run (even via return key) all selected files are sent to Windows with the command to "Open" them.
If I do it for pdf I get a new instance of Edge with two tabs and a pdf in each.. and it is not MC that open edge. Windows does that because pdf is associated with that
Might be that Foxit does not support "Open" action with multiple files or something. I don't know. It is out of MCs control

If an unwanted app open the pdf. check your windows associations for pdf..  everything that is not overridden in filetype setup in MC is handed of to Windows. And Windows launch it depending on the filetype associations.

I don't know how foxit works.  Can you open multiple from command line with like "<exe name for foxit>.exe pdf1.pdf pdf2.pdf" then it should be possible to use scripting for it
or does it need a file with all files listed that it should open.. I seen some program work like "<name>.exe -l parameters.txt" and in parameters.txt all files to open are listed.
depending on how foxit work I think it should be possible to create a UserDefinedCommand for it. that you den assign to a hotkey to open them.

Support and Feedback / Re: internal picture viewer is missing
« on: December 07, 2024, 01:09:45 »
Yes it is an extension. But it is not its own things. It is integrated as a "viewer" in MC and is the "default" viewer for pictures..  (Configurable in FileType setup > view )

To view pictures..  Just press the View command.

Menu > File > View , or
View button on the button bar.. or
"View" button on the toolbar (next to the music note icon) or
F3 / F1 (depending on setup)
or right click and under "MultiCommander" in context menu select View

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