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Topics - Bone Reader

Pages: [1]
When images are dragged from a web page in Firefox and dropped into a folder in Multi Commander, they are always converted to BMP They should keep their original format, like JPG or PNG.

When dropping the images into a folder in Windows Explorer, they do keep their original format without any conversion. Therefore the necessary information must exist.
Copying an image in Firefox and pasting it into an MC folder is also correctly handled. It's only with drag and drop, that the unwanted conversion occurs.

Mathias, did you ever consider making the whole project Open Source, so that others could help fixing all these little nuisances?

When moving or copying files or folders by drag and drop, a dialog pops up where you can adjust some settings before starting the operation.

The appearance of that dialog can be controlled in <Core Settings> / <Filesystem> / <Drag and Drop file operations>.
The checkbox <Move - Show "Move To" window before starting> has no effect however.
The checkbox <Copy - Show "Copy To" window before starting> controls the appearance of the dialog for both operations - "copy" and "move". It's not possible to control it for move only.

It would be cool by the way, if one could turn off these dialogs in general, but be able to let them appear on occasion, maybe by pressing "Shift" or "Alt" while dragging the mouse and before dropping the items. Most of the times I'm satisfied with the way the file system operations work and then it's a bit annoying when I have to confirm them. But sometimes tweaks are necessary.

Support and Feedback / File symlinks not copied
« on: September 30, 2024, 15:37:38 »
When copying file symlinks or directories that contain file symlinks, the symlinks are not copied.

In core settings / tab "Filesystem" / section "Junctions and Symbolic links", the option "when copying or moving" is set to "Copy or move the link itself".

  • When copying with drag&drop, the file symlinks are not copied at all.
  • When copying with copy&paste, the file to which the symlink points is copied, not the symlink itself.

Moving file symlinks works as expected with drag&drop and with copy&paste. The symlinks themselves are moved in both cases and not the files they points to.

With copy it should be the same way.

The documentation for favorites says:
Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V can be used to copy and paste Favorites. They can be used to copy a Favorite from one section and paste it into another.

But the keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V have no effect in the Favorites dialog, neither in the current version (v13.5) nor in older versions (tried with v11.3 from 2021).

It's just a minor problem and fortunately there is a workaround:
Copying and pasting in the Favorites dialog can be done via the context menu.


For symlinks I would like the name column to contain only their name, but not the target that they point to.

The option "Show link target in name column" seems to be the right place to control this, but it affects only symlinks to directories. For them the link target disappears when the option is unchecked in the settings dialog.
For symlinks to files however, the link target is always displayed next to the name, no matter whether the option is checked or not.

Is that by design or am I doing something wrong?
I'm currently using the version 13.5.


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