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Messages - Mathias (Author)

Pages: 1 2 3 4 [5] 6 7 8 9 ... 182
Nice. special "shell:" tag for the Windows App was needed.

However it did not work using .bat script? Powershell it way over powered for just starting something.

Code: [Select]
start shell:AppsFolder\48089MathiasSvensson.MultiCommander_9d7x1c4ybj2dr!MultiCommander -AutoRun=_UDC_runAt_MC_Startup
It will show a console window very briefly. But if you create a Lnk shortcut for it

And in properties for it. Set it to start minimized. Then the command window is not shown while it starts MC store edition


that export/import is if you only want to import/export individual settings

Announcements and News / MultiCommander 14.3
« on: November 25, 2024, 10:57:23 »
v14.3 ( Build 3042 ) - 2024-11-25
 70+ Changes

 ADDED - Major rewrite of MCPictureViewer extension to use WIC (Windows Imaging Component) and D2D, Support more image formats and faster rendering.
 ADDED - Dynamic Extended FileProp "FolderIsEmpty", "FolderHaveFiles", FolderHaveFiles (Inc Sub)"
 ADDED - After folder sizing you can enable columns that show number of sub files/folders items
 ADDED - During folder sizing on normal filesystem the UI will update during the process and you see the folder size increase.
 ADDED - Option to always show tab list button
 ADDED - Move operation work now for WPD:
 ADDED - More and better debug/log information for WPD:
 CHANGE- Changed so when symlink is created. The target does not need to exists. Symlink are allowed to point to non existing files/folders.
 FIXED - Avg Copy speed now works when copy to/from WPD:
 FIXED - Some extended file properties was not removed from cache if file was renamed
 FIXED - Hang issue during move if source file was removed during the beginning of the move process
 FIXED - Refreshing extended fileproperties for columns if file/folder is modified
 FIXED - File Coloring refresh is triggered for files/folders that are modified
 FIXED - A case where color rules did not always refresh
 ADDED - MultiScript function "FindFirstFileEx" that also support recursive search
 FIXED - When testing archive, The wrong colorprofile was used.
 FIXED - When testing archive the volume name is now also shown
 FIXED - When testing 7z archive and aborting. It said it was successful even if it was not.
 FIXED - When drag and dropping file on a .exe the option to start the exe with the dropped files as parameters that option was not always enabled
 FIXED - Alias Editor now support type search
 FIXED - GetFolder Size now follow settings for how to handle links (Symlinks/junctions)
 FIXED - 8 Stability issues

Internal Picture Viewer is now using WIC (Windows Imaging Component) , So all image formats support by Windows is supported. If you have installed support for more images formats you might need to add them to
FileType setup > View

Actually I'm not sure how the Windows Store App work.. MC is a full thrust .exe store app. But it does sandbox some folders (System and system registry, so MC store edition cannot modify them)
Since MC is a full .exe app and not a UWP app I think you can start the exe, But i'm not 100% sure.

There should be way to start them from command line using the app package names.. But I'n not sure exactly how that works.

if you go to
You see that a lot of folder has none default icon. This are from desktop.ini inside the folder that Windows pick up.

Also the folder must have the "+r" (readonly) attribute set. else Window will not look for the desktop.ini  (Atleast in windows 7.. Have not checked if that is still so in 10/11, But all the folders with icons in the C:\users\<username> folder has +r in Win10/11 for me )

MC get folder icon from Windows.. And Windows should return the icon from the desktop.ini file.. However Windows sometimes cache the icon and you might need to refresh the Windows icon cache.

it depends.. selection does not have have to be done using mouse..

Keyboard customization, There you see all commands and also there id.. And you can even export a list to file from there (hold shift+ctrl when you click the export button to get the command ids)

Toggle selection is something used for commander styled setup.  where you toggle selection on right mouse button.

It is possible to configure it to be similar to Windows Explorer. but not completely.. Since having it work in Commander Style setup is first priority.

For Windows Explorer like setup
Both Selection option under "Selection methods" should be on, and Muse option for toggle selection should NOT be used for click.

Feature Requests and Suggestions / Re: Tab Sessions drop down menu
« on: November 23, 2024, 10:55:16 »
No there is no command for that.
On my list I got an item. To show a session button that show a list of available session.. and button is only shown if you have more then 1 session defined

Maybe, but Im trying not to mess with how it works. Having it be a as configurable as it is, was a bad idea. There are so many situation where configurations mess with each and cause issues, and there are other things that are depending on mouse buttons like drag and drop, 'lasso' selection and more..
So if I do changes so one thing work better it will break it for how it works in another situation. There are too many combination to keep track off.

Support and Feedback / Re: Is there a way to change the status bar?
« on: November 23, 2024, 10:06:57 »
Not is on the list.

Support and Feedback / Re: Problems with Quick Search
« on: November 16, 2024, 10:17:32 »
By default in WIndows Exploer setup..  When you start typing a search box appere and the focus move to the first item matching what you typing. (You can move between matches using arrow up/down key)

You configure it in Explorer Panel settings > Display >
Go down to "Keyboard handling" section

There are a couple of settings for the quick search field.

(You if do not want the search box. you can disable it in the setting)

might be some other settings that collide..  But that sounds almost like commander styled setup
With commander styled setup you have toggle on right button and context on right hold and right dkl click.

So in change to Commander styled setup in quick look'n'Feel setup.. and then tweak it from there.

no it is not configurable.  it is 500ms (1/2s)

Support and Feedback / Re: coloring rule for overlong file paths?
« on: November 16, 2024, 10:06:09 »
Nope. But I think I could now reproduce it:
When I inline rename a file (Windows Style F2), the path length is not updated automatically.
I have to manually refresh in order for the path length to update.
That is another thing..  Most column properties are cached. so you might need to F2/F5 to refresh.
Some properties should not be cached.. That file property might miss that flag.. i will check.

Support and Feedback / Re: coloring rule for overlong file paths?
« on: November 15, 2024, 15:58:12 »
Path does not need to be calculated as such.. It just ask how long the total path is. does not matter what characters it is.
I'm not able to make it show wrong value. so not sure how that is even possible

Beta Releases / Re: v14.3
« on: November 14, 2024, 14:51:23 »
Thanks for the 3038 update & fixing the file sizes output/updating Mathias!

However I have found a problem with this build I think.
F6, drag'n'drop & my buttons now hang on dialog & that also impacts the queue process.

Where I use a button + User Defined Command in my move operations the dialog now hangs for as long as I leave it @0%.
i.e. User Defined Commands 
Code: [Select]
This seems to be related to the delete phase when a single item is moved as it shows the progress bar but hangs on open, folder+file(s) move is less likely to behave at all.
I will check, It started in 3038 ?  3036 was fine ?

Hi Mathias, yes was fine in the 3036 build (I just had the size update issue)
& I just added above - "I notice the move op done via Win ctrl-X / ctrl-V leaves a 'ghost' file & size value in the folder." in case you missed it ;)

Copy using copy/paste is handled by windows, I cant recreate any issue with that.

However the other issue I found. assign that custom command to a hotkey and press the hotkey twice.. very fast, then sometimes i happens.
It happens becuse the second operation of the two get the file removed in a situation where it did not handled that. before it have a chance to move it.

Beta Releases / Re: v14.3
« on: November 14, 2024, 14:11:39 »
Thanks for the 3038 update & fixing the file sizes output/updating Mathias!

However I have found a problem with this build I think.
F6, drag'n'drop & my buttons now hang on dialog & that also impacts the queue process.

Where I use a button + User Defined Command in my move operations the dialog now hangs for as long as I leave it @0%.
i.e. User Defined Commands 
Code: [Select]
This seems to be related to the delete phase when a single item is moved as it shows the progress bar but hangs on open, folder+file(s) move is less likely to behave at all.
I will check, It started in 3038 ?  3036 was fine ?

Support and Feedback / Re: coloring rule for overlong file paths?
« on: November 13, 2024, 15:43:40 »

In color rules editor. Create a rule for it and select "Plugin (Extended Properties)" And Create a new rule item and add property "Extended - Path Length" and then in the value dialog enter "More Than" - "260"

Thank you, Mathias!

That sounds amazing. Unfortunately I only have the Windows App Store Edition. I cannot switch to another edition, since my employer restricts that.
Currently, the date of my WASE is August 26 2024.
If I may ask, what is the update interval of the WASE?
New version is out soon then it takes a couple of days extra to get out on Windows Store

From Build 3036 (beta) there is now a new function that can be used to be able to colors folder with no files.. (subfolder are not counted as files)

It is a bit tricky and many steps to connect everything together.

Create a User defined Command
Create a Userdefined command of type MultiScript
Code: [Select]
#options (AllowAsFileProp)
if(IsVariableDefined("$_FILEPROP_FILEPATH") == 0)
  @gvar $_FILEPROP_FILEPATH = GetSourceFocusPath();

@var $isEmpty = "";
@var $isFolder = IsFolder($_FILEPROP_FILEPATH);

   if(!StrIsEqual($found, ""))
     $isEmpty = "Empty";


Save it.

Define a Scriptable File Property (Column in filelist)
Right click on column header and go to customize.
Click the Script button at the side to define a new Scriptable file property.
Create a new, and from the Dropdown select the MultiScript function you created before. It should be shown in the dropdown list.
Save it
Then Add That scriptable column to the columns that should be show.

Create a File Coloring Rule.
Click on color wheel icon and and Select File Coloring Rules Editor.
Add a new rules and enter a name for it. (rules are matched from top to button, so if you have multiple rules maybe you need to move it to the top so it is not overwritten by anohter rule)
And click Modify rules.
Select "Plug-in (Extended Properties)"
Add New
Then select the scriptable column you defined before
In Text matching selet "IS" and "Empty"
Then save it configure the color you want for that rule and then save it

The only current issue is that the scriptable column need to be shown for it to work.

Depending on the size you set , However a 0/100% split is not saved. Hiding one panel is not saved becuse the panel is still there. and you can still do things to it, MC is designed around a source/target panel pattern. And many things in MC is using that.
You can force do it using script that starts at startup. but it is highly not recommended because of the why MC works.

Thank you.

So you want it to return directly if it finds any files. Not sure you can do that efficient with script yet.
I have not yet looked at the scripting limitations. Are you saying that the script does not have a return command that you could call if it encounters a file? Seriously? Well, as I just said, I will yet have to look at the scripting. Maybe it works differently than I would expect?

Yes you can return from script when you want.. That is not the problem.
The script commands are simpler then normal API. You can do FindFirstFile() that return first match or get all items from a folder using FindFiles(..) But it return all matched files from a path.
That is  not be optimal if the folder has MANY files, And also you need to do the subfolder check in script. and issue new FindFiles call for each folder and walk down the folder tree.
It is possible but not optimal.

What is needed is a FindFirstFile that supports going down in subfolders.
I remember that I needed a script function like that for my self too.. so the next beta that will have FindFirstFileEx that support subfolders..

Support and Feedback / Re: Drag the file onto the program to open it
« on: November 12, 2024, 07:51:55 »
Hold Ctrl+Shift  (You get the Link overlay on the cursor )
Then when dropping you have a couple of different option you can do.

like if you want to Link the dropped file to that place, Or Replace the drop file with the file you drop on.
Or if You want to RUN the dropped file with the application you dropped it on.

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