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Messages - Mathias (Author)

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Support and Feedback / Re: MC using wrong app to open multiple files
« on: December 06, 2024, 07:25:23 »
Some more to add.

1. It seems that the way of launching depends on Explorer tabs type.
E.g. from the RES1: tab my *.pdf files are opened in MS Edge (which is the default app). And from "normal" file tab the same files are opened in configured app (PDF-XChange)

2. If custom config settings are wrong, the file will not be opened from the "normal" file panel. And it's confusing when the default file icon is used. So you see some associated icon, try to launch and nothing happens. I think either the default app should be launched or some kind of notification displayed. Maybe MC should check certain settings at startup and warn a user in a some way.
RES is a normal panel. it is just showing content of virtual device RES1:,
Not sure why you get different behaviour. I get the same. Both are opened in edge

Support and Feedback / Re: MC using wrong app to open multiple files
« on: December 06, 2024, 07:22:58 »
You are saying "view" So I guess you edit the "view" part in FileType Setup.?

When you click to "Open" file. you are not viewing them.. you are Opening them. so the "Open/Run" part in FileType Setup is used.

By default it is handled by windows and windows will open all of the files that MC send to Windows with the program associated with the file.
You can override that behaviour if you want, But then I don't think opening multiple is supported. But Then you can do that from Script and define you own command.

Ok so FF so send both BITMAT and a FILE (HDROP)
MC take HDROP first if exists

Too take the picture is has to download it again. But that might be possible. I will check and see how other drop also work so it does not break something else

For Edge/Chrome it picks up the "FileContents" (file content) (Together with FilegroupDescriptorW  for filename) that is the actual file already, That MC saves.

I don't have FF, so don't know what the drop data they send. MC just save the data that it receives. Often it is files.

with clipspy ( )
You can see what data FF is sending with d&d. and I can say if MC support that or not.

OpenSource. No MC is not a good project for that. it is too big. And no outsider would ever take the time to understand the codebase. it is massive.
And there is also a security concern. Having anybody be able to release a version of MC, a program that lots of people run as admin. It not good.

Support and Feedback / Re: Issue with file search
« on: December 02, 2024, 13:07:48 »
If you still get this issue with the GUI acting out with beta build 3044, send me a mail..

Since Search was redone a while again. the PANEL option is no longer valid. It should have been removed.

Actually. You might be right about the font. or combination of both, It uses the average character width, and based the calculation on that.

That is becuse it is the fastest way. The TextViewer is very optimized to be able to handle very large files. And for files that are changed all the time. like when viewing live logfiles. For that I want it to be as fast as possible.
Not sure i want to change that. Hmmm If I do anything about it it will be an option to switch to more exact measurement, but that would be an opt-in option in that case.

It just have to be able to draw the font. Then windows will report how big the area it was drawn on. So the size can be calculated so it know to wrap it or not.
So my bet is on WindowBinds. becuse they to some tricky hack. and if the scrollbar is not standard width, I can see program miss out of the size of the scrollbar and some calculation goes wrong

All encoding should be wrapped. except maybe binary. wrapping does not depend on what encoding there is. it depends on how long the text is when rendered

Support and Feedback / Re: Multi-Rename
« on: December 02, 2024, 07:37:54 »
OR use
Code: [Select]
as FileName

[N] - for filename
,4 -  Start from the 4 character , making it jump past the "(#) " part

But Jungles example are better if you have numbers inside the parentheses of variable length

Sorry. I don't agree,  Color rules are the default colors and the selection color should overrule that.
For example in command styled mode (That are the preferred mode) you have by default not even a background color for item items. You only see if an item is selected by the text color.
And then you will not be able to see if items are selected or not.

I know, probably caching error or something.

So it cuts the text 1-2 character to late ?
The font I don't think is an issue but the Winblinds might be. might be that the program does not get the correct width size for the scrollbar

Might be possible to add option for setting an optional extra right margin.

Im not seeing any wrap issue. I normally have that enabled..

Can explain more or give step to reproduce

Support and Feedback / Re: Issue with file search
« on: November 30, 2024, 10:02:09 »
In the script i should be "path1;path2" but there is a parsing error. so it will be fix for next beta.

The UI issue might be reproducible for you. That why I think it is hardware/setup related becuse users how see it can often reproduce it. But I have not been able to, have tried on very many machines and setups.  But will add some dbg info for next beta that might give information on why it is happening. I got some theory but hard to test when I cannot reproduce it

Support and Feedback / Re: Issue with file search
« on: November 29, 2024, 18:20:37 »
if you open the findfile dialog after command is run you see what it entered into it. i will check tomorrow. might be that it does not remove the " or something

The view error has nothing to do with search. some other had that issue in other situations. but I never been able to reproduce it. I think it is some timing issue.
But not sure. see if I can add some debug info for it for next beta

Support and Feedback / Re: Issue with file search
« on: November 29, 2024, 14:44:10 »
SEARCHIN is wrong.. one quote for them all.. not for each
view issue I don't know. look like after some windows update on some system, some ppl have seen that issue.. Not been able to recreate that

Thank you for your patient help, Jungle,

Unfortunately, with that syntax, MC will only search in the first stated path.

And the PANEL="LEFT" option of MC.FileSearch does not seem to work.

You need to have the complete paths inside the quotes.. not quotes around each, they are separated with ;
Code: [Select]

If you uncheck "Use file specified background colors" (and for folders) then the background color for each state is not used.

Selection color overwrite the color for rules. else you might not see if an item is selected or not.

Support and Feedback / Re: BUG: MultiCommander.xml gets corrupted
« on: November 29, 2024, 12:04:39 »
I'm not able to reproduce that. Did you do any other changes during that ?

I see no issues with coloring.
But might depend on what rule and what else is happening.

Coloring is happening in the background after the files has been show, So If you go lots of files it can take a little before they colors popup.
But it can also depends on the rules. if the rules depend on information that are slow to fetch.
Also if the files are modified externally (specially network attached storage ) the Windows notification that files are updated are not always received, and coloring might not be refreshed

It depends.. some buttons have an "action" on click and alternatives actions on right..
Color wheel do not have any default action on normal click. so that why all the option for colors are shown there.

(Been thinking to maybe change the so color popup is on right click. and disable/enable color on default click, BUT my self I do not enable/disable them so must, I often switch to different color profiles.. so then having the popup for them on default click is better.. Hmm so ... )

The heading pretty much says it all:
Hmm Subject is not a body. Reason there are two fields hehe :)

Sorting will probably not be added to column setup.
However a custom folder settings system is planed. where you can configure special settings for some folders. including sorting

Support and Feedback / Re: location of new tabs on the tab bar
« on: November 27, 2024, 10:46:09 »
Ahh no, It add new tabs last. I will check.. Maybe something I can add to todo list

Support and Feedback / Re: location of new tabs on the tab bar
« on: November 27, 2024, 10:38:18 »
Not automatic I don't think.

But doing Ctrl+ Left/Right arrow you will open that folder in the panel of the arrow

Or you can create a new user defined command that take current focus path and open that folder in the target panel. and then assign that to a button/shortcut/...

Jungle, my new hero and world savior!
Yes, thank you!

Mathias, may I change the wish to getting a search / filter function for all the settings, some day in the future. :D That would be great. Some other file managers actually have that.

Its on the list, However it is not something that is fast to add. It actually very complex since MC settings is very generic and not hardcoded.

Just becuse some other have something does not make it easy to add it.  :)

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