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Update: tested this on Windows 10 and MC still does not show the dialog saying it not possible.
So it does not depend on Windows' implementation of MTP protocol. It is something in MC itself.
Support and Feedback / Re: Switching Windows
« Last post by wynford on Today at 01:15:35 »
Hmmm didn't work for me... no problem though, I can live with it.
Support and Feedback / I am the new one
« Last post by MarthaHick on Yesterday at 23:47:23 »
Appreciate it! An abundance of advice.
Support and Feedback / Small typo in tip of the day #29
« Last post by ags on Yesterday at 14:58:35 »
See screenshot.
Support and Feedback / Re: Switching Windows
« Last post by Matthias515566 on Yesterday at 10:48:58 »
You can save a Tab Session, and when reopened, the same panel will be highlighted as it was when saved.
I wonder if the OS has a part in this? In the sense that different Windows versions would report slightly different things to MC, leading to different user experiences?
I am on Windows 11 x64, 24H2 (OS Build 26100.2152)
In my MC, the File Type Setup Icons only skins the "Details" view mode icons, not the icons in the "Thumbnail List" view mode. Wish it would skin the icons in the Thumbnails View as well, though I can understand that images etc. /w an associated Preview Handler capability would mean the Previews in the Thumbnails would stop working, & only the static custom Icons would display —that would be an issue ! Anyway, is this a known bug ?
Support and Feedback / Switching Windows
« Last post by wynford on Yesterday at 00:46:13 »
Everytime I open MC, the right window is highlighted, my D drive, how can I make it so that the left window is highlighted, my C drive?
Strange I can not make that happened..
I don't think I did something to not show the warning. Maybe MC is not hardcoded to show that in my case?
Here is a video that may bring some clarity: (only hosted for two days).
In the video I drag the file with the mouse instead of pressing F5, to be clearer what I did.
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