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Topics - antekgla

Pages: [1]
SDK / Working with API in Pascal/Lazarus/Delphi
« on: July 07, 2017, 04:48:38 »
I made a clone of MCCopyDataSendGetSample made totally from scratch in Lazarus (Version 1.6 FPC 3.0.0).
It has the same functionality of original.
I attach here for anyone interested in working with Multi Commander API in Pascal/Delphi/Lazarus.

For all Delphi Users the only difference is the management of the WM_COPYDATA message response from Multi Commander. It is much more easy in Delphi what in Lazarus because Lazarus does not handle messages below WM_USER automatically. This is very platform specific and lazarus is not compatible with Delphi here.

SDK / Windows Message API is working?
« on: June 22, 2017, 20:37:10 »
I recently discover MultiCommander and i am impress!
So complex and full of options!
Congratulations for this great software!

I am interested in the Windows Message API, I read the docs and is a little hard for me because I am a begginer Delphi/Lazarus programmer.
But my first and main question is: The Windows Message API is working? because I download your Sample Project with the C++ Helper.
I have MultiCommander open of course, I execute MCCopyDataSendGetSample.exe but nothing happens, any button I press the path still remains C:\windows\system32

Thanks in advance!

Edit: I forgot to say my OS is Windows7 x64 SP1

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