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Messages - Matthias515566

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Script / Re: Link to file in clipboard
« on: November 26, 2020, 03:12:50 »
i have a good solution for your Problem. Create a new "User Defined Command" and a Keyboard Shortcut to this command.

Code: [Select]
MC.Utils.CreateLink LNKSRC="${targetpath}${sourcefocusname}.lnk" LNKTRG="${focusfilepath}" LNKTYPE=4
This create a new shortcut in the Target Panel, but this works only for one file, not for multiple files. maybe somebody have a solution for multiple files and folders?

Support and Feedback / Re: Copy path with spaces
« on: November 21, 2020, 17:55:09 »
copy your paths to excel or a text editorand use Search and Replace to change the Space with your old school HTML "%20".

Beta Releases / Re: v10.0 Beta 2731
« on: October 11, 2020, 19:20:34 »
Release v10.0 BETA (Build 2731) ( 11-Okt-2020 ) Schiebesende

Support and Feedback / Re: dragging a file over the tabs area.
« on: September 23, 2020, 12:28:50 »
Thats because i use 100% dragging over the windows Taskbar. (You can drag your selected files to the taskbar icon and the target programm will popup and you can move this files in this way into the other program. For a single file is this not needed, only for many files which can be sometimes only in this way all together opened in another Program.) I do  not make 2 small windows on my desktop for dragging, this is to much "klickibunti". But Dragging is anyway klickibunti...... Sorry Klickibunti is german and mean so much like non professional.

Beta Releases / Re: v10.0 Beta 2728
« on: September 23, 2020, 10:46:09 »
All toolbars can now be hidden again
I use v10 already along time, since it released, and i never seen a toolbar and FTP was possible.

Support and Feedback / Re: dragging a file over the tabs area.
« on: September 23, 2020, 10:31:35 »
Eh ? Not sure what you mean.. MC does not control how Windows handles the TaskBar.
But MC Control how the MC-Tabs working for Drag and Drop. Beware Off Topic: My Taskbar is always invisible and when i go with the mouse to the place where my taskbar is, the taskbar stay in the background. Only Win+T or closing all windows make the taskbar visible. (This configuration is only possible with 7+ taskbar tweaker) This help me to use the full screen without being disturbed from a taskbar-popup. But this is off topic, sorry. /off topic

My Tabs in MC are on the bottom and my taskbar is on top of the screen, therefore i have no such Problems like jean.

Support and Feedback / Re: dragging a file over the tabs area.
« on: September 21, 2020, 09:31:20 »
Dragging between tabs in MC is not necessary. Drag and drop is needed to the windows Taskbar to put more than one files in some programs. Drag and drop over the windows Taskbar is more important than over the MC Tab Bar.

Feature Requests and Suggestions / Re: File Info Box
« on: August 22, 2020, 20:54:51 »
Slight misunderstanding I think.  It is the File Information box that appears when the mouse is moved or hovered over the file listings that I want to turn off.
And??? My help is anyway right. This file information is in MC called "Tooltip". And the Settings are no global setting it are the "Explorer Panel Settings". Make this what i say, save the settings, and you will see.

I meant (for example) Detailed View Mode or List View Mode or Thumbnail View Mode, etc.
Where do you wanna go today?

Feature Requests and Suggestions / Re: File Info Box
« on: August 20, 2020, 12:23:50 »
I have the same problem and turned it off. Configuration> Explorer Panel settings> View Mode Settings> Detailed View Mode and List View Mode> Tooltip> No Tooltip

In my MC-Configuration i press just the right mouse button and all files where i the mouse arrow drawing will be seletcted and this feature will also cause a auto scroll. I have seen that the rectangle (which i never tested before) is very slow.

But there need to be some button to close. Or someone will complain about that.
Please make the Button optional, Close Buttons in Tabs are much worse.

Beta Releases / Re: Refresh
« on: July 10, 2020, 12:29:27 »
I run v10.0 Build 2716  I know, this have a alpha status :) But i will not make a downgrade. i can work with it.

Beta Releases / Re: Refresh
« on: July 08, 2020, 16:24:25 »
I Used multiple USB Drives in short time. MC never recognize it when a USB Drive removed. But i always remove them unsafe.

Beta Releases / Refresh
« on: July 07, 2020, 16:02:15 »
Will the refresh functions sometimes have any effect?

The *.* in the Quick-Filter disturb me every day. It will be nice when it replaced with a " because then find it not always nonsense when spaces in the search criterion.

This happens sometimes while USB-Drives use. The only solution is the Refresh-Command (View> Refresh).

Feature Requests and Suggestions / Re: New File
« on: July 01, 2020, 13:34:19 »
This can you find in the right click context menu by click at a folder or at empty space. (double right click or context menu button) But i wish this funktion also outside of the context menu, and i need also a "Print all selected files" function which is at time also only in the context menu.

Support and Feedback / Re: Default Column Width | How to?
« on: July 01, 2020, 13:19:40 »
The "Autosize Columns" works sometimes not properly. See the screenshot. In this Tab session are the most tabs with right column sizes, but this tab have wrong column sizes and i dont know the reason. With the scrollbar have this nothing to do. Maybe with the scrollbar in the Foldertree.

Yo can make your Donation here:

Thank you very much, it works very good, no longer like a alpha version. Operations with network Paths and MTP Devices are now again possible, but if somebody saved a Tab session with Network-Paths - they was deleted with the older version of v10 :)

Hoping you go sometimes professional with MC and not only spare time.

I have a Problem with Network-Paths in my Tab Sessions. They are now no longer shown in the address-bar and the Explorer Panel have only the Name Explorer Panel and not the name of the Network-Folder.

Support and Feedback / Re: MC won't start anymore
« on: March 11, 2020, 16:57:10 »
Maybe a problem with your C++  Rzbtine Installation. You can install
 maybe it works then again.

Beta Releases / Re: Why we hear nothing about 9.6.1?
« on: February 03, 2020, 01:51:14 »
I look here for updates and not on the web and i dont use the update window.

Beta Releases / Why we hear nothing about 9.6.1?
« on: January 30, 2020, 14:35:40 »
Which canal need i to know about updates?

Feature Requests and Suggestions / Re: Lynx-like motion
« on: December 26, 2019, 07:04:11 »
In the Folder Tree works this. I needed to google "Lynx-like motion"...

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