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Messages - Matthias515566

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Beta Releases / Re: Strange Folder Tree
« on: November 03, 2023, 09:48:25 »
So it is triggered not by something you do
It is triggered by using the network icon in the folder tree. Instances in which I never clicked on network resources in the directory tree, also have no copies of the virtual folders.

Beta Releases / Re: Strange Folder Tree
« on: November 02, 2023, 22:35:10 »
The longer MC is open, the more such links appear in the directory tree. Now, after one day, I have six copies of the virtual folders without seeing a recognizable cause. But when I access my network shares, new duplicates are created when a network resource is not reachable or is erroneously deemed not reachable.

Beta Releases / Strange Folder Tree
« on: November 02, 2023, 04:31:20 »
The more network shares I use, the more duplicates of virtual folders are created.

What if you download the file normally ?
The URL of the beta version is only available with a new MultiUpdate. The beta content is protected. However, I downloaded V. 13.1 now from the website, and this included a new version of MultiUpdate, also V. 1.9, but not really, because this has a new creation date and it works. I installed the new beta version with it.

i was trying to download the file directly with a downloadmanager, but the dowloadmanager did'nt find the file: "The file was not found on the server."

Maybe my MultiUpdate is to old? It's v. 1.9

I reviewed the detailed information and looked at the XML file version.xml. It seems that it contains all the information. But it still doesn't work. Could this be caused by AV software? I will download the files I need from the sources in the XML file.

MultiUpdate say:
Checking if newer version exists.
Version information received.
Current installed version is
No update of Multi Commander available.

Why do beta users never get the final versions?

I have only one arm.
Too bad!
To assign the ctrl, alt, and shift keys to mouse buttons, you need a mouse with additional buttons. Some gaming mice have enough buttons for this purpose.

I suppose this problem occurs only with USB drives. When I use USB drives, I encounter the same issue. You don't need to restart MC; just selecting "View > Refresh" (F1 in my configuration) should suffice to display the folder properly.

Support and Feedback / Re: Can I stop horizontal scrolling?
« on: August 09, 2023, 12:21:30 »
@Tommy: Sorry, now I understand what you mean. When I drag and drop a file into the folder tree, it scrolls to the right. Yes, this should be disabled. I'm sorry for being slow on the uptake.

@Mathias (Author): Maybe you can also disable the horizontal autoscroll for the mouse cursor while drag and drop, and the same in the Explorer Panel?

Support and Feedback / Re: Can I stop horizontal scrolling?
« on: August 08, 2023, 14:56:33 »
Yes I found this and unchecked this setting.
But the horizontal scrolling continues :(
Did you save the settings and restart MC? It works perfectly for me. If the "Auto adjust horizontal scrollbar" option is unchecked and the settings are saved, then nothing will scroll horizontal automatically anymore.

Support and Feedback / Re: Can I stop horizontal scrolling?
« on: August 07, 2023, 17:55:11 »
Configuration> Explorer Panel Settings> Auto adjust horizontal scrollbar

Support and Feedback / Re: Update the Microsoft store version?
« on: July 25, 2023, 19:03:38 »
Matthias, congratulations on new release (and new home).

Will the Microsoft Store version be updated, or is it permanently broken?

many thanks
I am not the developer and my post was pointless. I'm not referring to the MC-App, but the Microsoft Store app on my computer. I don't use apps from the Microsoft Store, so it doesn't matter that the Microsoft Store no longer works on my computer.

Support and Feedback / Re: Can buttons in the menu be removed?
« on: July 24, 2023, 20:17:58 »
Ctrl+B or View> Button window

Mauseinstellungen> Rechte Maustaste> Einzelauswahl - You have to hold down the button and then you can make selections similar to using a lasso.

This might only work in the commander style.

If you use the right mouse button to select files, it will autoscroll. Go to Configuration > Explorer Panel Settings > Mouse Configurations > Right Mouse Button > Click > Select the option "Toggle Selection".

Support and Feedback / Re: How to transfer multi-scripts
« on: July 15, 2023, 20:08:21 »
Copy the folder '....MultiCommander64\Config' from your old portable installation to your new portable installation. Ensure to replace all existing files. Make sure to close MC before starting this process.

Support and Feedback / Re: Network Issue
« on: June 10, 2023, 18:41:51 »
This works for me. I click on 'network', and my network computers are listed. It seems that you might be using an older version of Windows. I suspect there was a bug in the early versions of Windows 10. However, it could also be that your network computers are not in the same workgroup, and are set to 'public' instead of 'private'.

Support and Feedback / Re: Network Issue
« on: June 09, 2023, 22:39:42 »
File> Tab Sessions was made for this.

Support and Feedback / Re: Standby while copying on Windows 11
« on: June 08, 2023, 13:15:48 »
computer to sleep after 5 minutes.
Configure the power button for sleep mode and press that power button when you leave your computer. And remove the pointless energy-saving plan.

Beta Releases / Re: v13.0 **BETA**
« on: May 17, 2023, 23:56:59 »
However, I was merely extracting a single file, and the option was unavailable as it was greyed out.

Beta Releases / Re: v13.0 **BETA**
« on: May 17, 2023, 19:09:45 »
An archive is not being unpacked in the target folder, but rather in a subfolder of the target folder with the same name as the archive. I believe I recall this behavior being different in the past, when I could unpack the contents of the archive directly into the target folder.

Beta Releases / Re: v13.0 **BETA**
« on: May 17, 2023, 18:52:34 »
Have you release notes for 2946? It seems i don't need to update.

Support and Feedback / Re: Simple tree and file pane view
« on: May 07, 2023, 10:43:39 »
However, an easy way to get this one-pane view is to go to View > "Full pane width." You can also use F11. If F11 is not the key for full pane width in your configuration, then go to Configuration > "Keyboard Customization" > Module: "Multicommander Core" > View - "Full Pane Width" and create it. The 2-panel layout is a main feature of MC, and there are reasons why the single panel view cannot be saved.

I need the Button, which is under File, directly on top in the menu bar or a Keyboard shortcut to get the Session-List.

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