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Messages - Matthias515566

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Feature Requests and Suggestions / Re: Empty Space at the Bottom?
« on: April 02, 2016, 15:58:00 »
Yes, it seems this was a status row, but  isn´t any more. Now it´s just empty space.

Nice, but this history will be deleted after reboot.

Feature Requests and Suggestions / Empty Space at the Bottom?
« on: April 02, 2016, 11:52:36 »
Please remove the empty space at bottom. I have a 16:9 Display and want use the full space.
Or is this space needed for something i dont know yet? Why is it not possible to place a toolbar at this space?
See also:,1361.msg4827.html#msg4827

User Contributed Content / Open focus file
« on: April 02, 2016, 11:30:06 »
Code: [Select]
MC.Run CMD="${focusfilepath}" SHELL
This is only a little thing and needed for opening just the file on focus while other files marked. This is needed when making a bigger marking-project.
maybe it can a part of default setup.

But Multirename on MTP Devices is possible, this is very nice. :)

I bought now Beyond Compare this is the right thing for me and support MTP/WPD fully. The jobs are saved there and no longer in MC. Therefore are a command to start Beyond Compare from MC for me not needed.
A alternative without MTP support but within automatic synchonizing is DirSync.

Big Problem

Windows do the instances not in one group of the windows Task-Bar when startet with different command lines. Its not matter ob using -AutoRun or -T. Every change of the command line cause, that the instance will be behandelt like another program.
Therefore, the T-command is useless for me.

I Test at time the 7+ Taskbar Tuner again, maybe this tool will allow me that the instances will be in a group again, but i dont believe that. The Taskbar Tweaker can regroup the icons with a random Program-ID. Its a must have.
The only way is that you integrate this in MC. Watch the Titles of Firefox, this are a nice example.

what is wrong with the autorun-command?
It have to be writtn AutoRun and not Autorun.

You dont need to change it, i have the solution.

I made for testing a user defined command Multiscript
Code: [Select]
MC.LoadTabs FILENAME="D:\SicherungConfigDaten\Multicommander Config\Layouts\Mytablayout1.mctab" REPLACE and called it Mytablayout1.
Code: [Select]
C:\Program Files\MultiCommander (x64)\MultiCommander.exe" -T=Mytablayout1 -Autorun=Mytablayout1 works not, but it should work i guess. what is wrong with the autorun-command? Its really better i wait for the new version with the new command.

Support and Feedback / Re: Multirename by date works not properly
« on: March 28, 2016, 20:56:55 »
Windows destroy the creation date, and when i copy some voice-memos from my mobile device, the creation date = copy date. Thats the problem. Also any pdf file from emails are saved with the creation date = date of saved the attachment. The filees will be renamed soon, so that the modify-date is like the real creation date.

Support and Feedback / Re: Multirename by date works not properly
« on: March 28, 2016, 18:19:43 »

Code: [Select]
[?ExtendedProp.datemodify-{yyyy-MM-dd| HH-mm-ss}]
Is it what you'd like to see?

P.S. See also - online doc.
Thanks alot. I guess i have to read the documentation.

Why is the creation-Date useless? Because this date is everytime changed when a file be moved or copied or downloaded from internet copied from mobile device etc.

This works not when MC already opened, and the Tab-Layout will be loaded after MC is already started. Maybe i can create Windows-Shortcuts which starting the TabLayout automatically und integrating a -T-Command in such a Commandline.

Support and Feedback / Re: Multirename by date works not properly
« on: March 28, 2016, 17:37:28 »
The problem is, that the Creation-Date of a file is not needed for renaming. But your parameter like
Code: [Select]
[Y] use the Creation Date of a file. Better is the Changing-date of a File. You just must changing the kind of Source Date which your main parameter use. The Plugins and more Parameter-Functions should just ignoring the local Date-Format.
I need a Date like 2016-03-28 18-05-05 in my files. I use such Dates later also in Excel and i need it sometimes to prevent lost dates after Editing some files.

Maybe is it possible to add it as a third party plugin. :)

Hello, to start external Programs, i need A Parameter for the Folderpath of Right panel and Left Panel. This make it possible to start a Program with the right folder. I need this for example to start the TC and use the synchronisation-Tool of it. In FC is this possible und i use it there. But FC.... is to slow.

Support and Feedback / Re: Multirename by date works not properly
« on: March 28, 2016, 16:36:20 »
This helps me not because i cant write the year at first with search and replace. It will be very nice when you add some other options for renaming by date. The easyst way to make a change is that you setup the changing-date for the |Y]-|M]-|D] |h]-|m]-|s].

No, refresh and rescan do not work. I havbe a Samsung Galaxy XCover 3 and wish back to the Android 2.3 where the SD-Card will be like a Harddrive.

You can force a text into the title bar from command line when MC is started.

please tell me how

TC give a very good example. When using this option, the useable Backup will be made faster, because only new files will be copied and deleted files will be deleted and empty folders wil be deleted automatically and also in subfolders, not only in the main folder. I use this everytime to synchronize my Notebook with the Main-PC and my Content with external Harddrives. Its not a Backup, its a useable Copy. For Backup i use Acronis True Image. FC make very much errors with its synchronisation-Tool. Therefore you need to test the synchronisation-tool of TC.

What have this to do with dropbox? i have also very big video files and i dont want do give all my data the nsa.... Please forget fast dropbox and onedrive.

The dpi value is writtn in meta data of images and definite the printsize or the size of the original. Changing is needed when using Images for Serialprint with variable Images. There are some tools like exif-tool available, but this is only available with a bad GUI and handling is not easy. With more Tools for images is MC a better alternative for XnView.

Big MTP (WPD:\) Probems:

- Moving files will be always only copying files
- The Mobile Device won´t be actualized until MC is restarted, you can press the actualize button without any effect.
- Sometimes it show the folders of the mobile device while the mobile device is alredy unplugged.
- Often the job fail with a error message

TC have also problems with MTP (WPD:\)

Support and Feedback / Multirename by date works not properly
« on: March 27, 2016, 18:58:51 »
Multirename by modified date give a date in wrong format out. A doublepoint : cant be in a filename. Filenames will be sorted by text, therefore have a date in a filename to be in wrong order with the year at front and the second at last (Example: "|Y]-|M]-|D] |h]-|m]-|s]"

The Core-Date works not and the main date "|Y]-|M]-|D] |h]-|m]-|s]" is using a wrong date which is not useable. It seem its the creation date. The creation date is often not useable because its changed after copy from a mobile device. Renaming by exif have i not tested yet, but i can say, the exif date have also to be in a wrong order like |Y]-|M]-|D] |h]-|m]-|s].

Best regards and keep he good work and make the best commander of all.

At Time is only comparing folders possible and files in subfolders are ignored. A synchronizing- tool like in TC is essential for MC.

Keyboard shortcut for MultiRename is impossible to create. Please make CTRL+M. Hiding menu bar per Keyboard is unneccesary.

I have not really a good tool for multichanging the dpi value of pictures. exif-Tool should be integrated directly in MC.

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