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Messages - Matthias515566

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I cannot enable this toolbar. Under View > Toolbars, there is only the Command Line bar. But I guess I don't need this bar anyway.

Is this a new function? I've never seen this before, and I don't have a toolbar with this button. Also, this option is not available in the settings. And I can't find this button. Just pressing Alt+Q enables and disables this function.

Support and Feedback / Re: skip errors in copy operation
« on: April 14, 2023, 14:04:27 »
For such copy operations, the simple copy method is not the right way. You need a synchronizer like Beyond Compare or the synchronization tool from FreeCommander or TotalCommander. MC does not have a synchronization tool. I use Beyond Compare and sometimes the synchronization tools from FreeCommander and TotalCommander.

And for Backup, all these tools are not the right way. I use an old version of Acronis True Image for backups.

Support and Feedback / Re: internal error?
« on: April 08, 2023, 13:22:36 »
MC should not wait for Windows to time out with something. One request should be enough. After that, MC should do its own thing and let the explorer.exe handle the silly stuff. Maybe the best solutuion is:
Code: [Select]
taskkill /IM explorer.exe /F

Support and Feedback / Re: Update the Microsoft store version?
« on: March 28, 2023, 13:01:41 »
Store because MS have Changed Things.
My Store App is broken - it dosn't matter.

Support and Feedback / Re: Multi-Rename Syntax
« on: January 01, 2023, 15:47:34 »
You should create a "Find and Replace - List" with Excel in a Format that u can insert in the sub-window which you find when you click on the three dots button right beside the Add-Button.
Follow this rules, this can all be made with excel.:

Separate each find and replace pair with |
Only one find and replace pair per line
Load - Press F1 to F10
Save - Press F1 to F10 while holding shift key

I use Ctrl+F and Ctrl+N for other funktions. How can i open the favorite-window without the command line bar? Such problems have i olso in other programs. All Keyboard-Shortcuts should be configurable. Ctrl+F is common used for Find and Ctrl+N is common used for a new instance or a new window. Firefox for example need no new instance for a new window.

You get one icon on the taskbar for each instance. But normally Windows stack/group them so you get one on the taskbar and the other when you click on that.
For me they are stacked. unless I disable that settings in Windows..
No. This issue have nothing to do with taskbar icons. This are tray-icons. i have Tray Icons disabled and if the explorer closed and restarted the tray icons are created anyway and take alot of space in my System-tray.

for every instance created. MC is the only program with this behavior. Why?

Support and Feedback / Re: Path in TitleBar?
« on: October 29, 2022, 18:53:31 »
Quote from: Mathias (Author)
I have this on my todo list.
Please do it not or make this optional. Titles are only relevant for Tab Sessions. I create them with a batch File. Here a String Example:
Code: [Select]
Start "Arbeitsplattform" "C:\Program Files\MultiCommander\MultiCommander.exe" -TABSESSION="Arbeitsplattform" -T="1 Arbeitsplattform"For using this is the Software AutoSizer needed because otherwise the Taskbar Icons will not created.,4403.0.html

Support and Feedback / Re: Folder Users -> Benutzer
« on: October 15, 2022, 17:23:46 »
No. The native Folder Name is "Users" and i find it is good that MC dont use the translated names of the standard-folders.

Support and Feedback / Context Menu only with double click available?
« on: October 04, 2022, 10:58:37 »
I dont like the double click for context menu. The keyboard have a context menu button. This is enough. Sometimes the context menu come with one click. maybe my mouse is defect? But it will be nice when the double click for the context meny can be disabled. But the Keyboard Key should always working.

If the files are not encrypted works this with the Extension "Find Files" Use just the Field "Match File Content (can be slow)".

try to turnoff spash
Thank you for this information, this help me and i have created this registry entry. This is good for my config, but solve not the problem.

1 Window stay in the foreground and the next instances will be started in the second layer. This is good, i can write that posting while my MC-Instances starting........ But only the first instance have a taskbar icon and the rest not.

But i found now a solution for the Problem with a very old program which until now very well works. This is called: AutoSizer. Also to Win XP Times i worked already with this program. It works with 64 bit Systems.

Just create a Class name based entry for MC in AutoSizer with "Action to perform" to "Maximize" because MC never start minimized. For Creating the Taskbar icons of the MC instances must the Option: "Automatically bring AutoSized windows to the foreground" enabled and use
Code: [Select]
Timeout 5 between the Strings. Then can i just press the "AutoSize Now! shortcut key" and the Taskbar Icons will be created. If it not works change the Action to perform zu "Minimize", Autosize, and then back to Maximize and press then always Ctrl+D before you close the Windows or shutdown the Computer. This is easier than Process Explorer>Window>Bring to front.

Also why are you starting it in the background ? what issue are that solving ?
The Batch File do it in this way and by the way, the /min parameter works not. I replaced Start with Start /min, this should work, but no instance started minimized. Just one window stay in the foreground and the other starting behind them in the second layer. This is without the /min parameter the same.

Yes i mean not running in the background, but running without a task bar icon is maybe the same like running in the background?

Why is this only with MC so? All other Programs can be started with multiple instances via  batch file. I have tested this with the 2 methods for recreating the issue.

I guess this will never be solved.... I make a Windows Update to 22H1 this weekend. Maybe then is the behavior different, but i dont believe.

When move i to Windows 11?
Then when Win 10 no longer developed.

 The Minimize to taskbar thing is disabled. I have Windows 10. Why can MC be started and running without a icon on the task bar? This is strange. And why are you not able to recreate that? I dont understand this. Sure i have with 7+ taskbar tweaker a program which is injected in the windows explorer, but when i remove this have i the same problem with MC and only annoying Thumbs instead of Lists on the Taskbar. But i will test it again without the 7+ taskbar tweaker....

I have teted it without 7+tt. And it ios the same problem.

It is easy to recreate. Use a Batchfile to start multiple instances and do another winbdow in the foreground before.

if i manually minimize all windows in the foreground incl the already started MC instances, all taskbar icons will be created.

The new started MC instances come not in the foreground automatically. Thats the reason why. But it should also work when the windows be in the background. Thats the error maybe caused by MC. Maybe you can look into that? Why are the taskbar icons not created when the new started windows stay i the background? Maybe other programs are all forced in the foreground.

Just make that MC again be forced in the foreground after start. This solve my problem because i can use a timeout in my Batchfile that all other programstarts be finished before the MC start after a windows start.

You can repeat this issue when you start MC from the Start menu while pressing the Shift Button to keep the start menu open. Then have no MC-Instance a symbol in the task bar. I have it only with the classic shell Start menu tested, but it can also be tested when you create a batch file to start multiple instances. Use between the starts a timeout of 1s or 5 s.
Code: [Select]
timeout 1 When a timeout between the starts are more instances without a taskbar symbol. No other program have this problem. It seems it is a MC-Problem.
I was changing the windows behavior for starting programs in the registry
Code: [Select]
Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\ ForegroundFlashCount to 0 with no effect.

Sorry, i cant disabling the Classic Shell without removing it. Hoping the Shift Button to keep the menu while starting multiple programs works also with the new Windows Start menu.

Beta Releases / Re: Version 12 * BETA *
« on: July 11, 2022, 12:56:57 »
Multi Rename by using the Date mdified use  maybe the GMT..This mean it use the absolute Date and sould use the relative date for my time zone..

Beta Releases / Re: Version 12 * BETA *
« on: May 28, 2022, 13:06:33 »
The Program starting now extremely faster. Thanks for the nice Update.

Its Ctrl+Shift+B or click at the fifth icon in the explorer panel top right and select "Flat Filesystem View - (Experimental)"

It works good, i think its not experimental. :)

Screen Shots / High Performance setup
« on: January 16, 2022, 19:05:49 »
Without unused Toolbars.

Support and Feedback / Re: How to search whithout quotes
« on: December 26, 2021, 22:04:59 »
Use "Find Files" and the three dots at the end, there can you paste a list and the quotes made automatically.
in The Quick Filter you need only a Quote at the beginning.
The Dev love it so....... I also requested already for changing this quickfilter to automatic quotes..

Extensions> Find Files search always also in subfolders.
Filters never work in Subfolders, but you can do a flat file system view (Ctrl+Shift+B), then are you able to use the quick filter for all files inkl.Files in subfolders.

Support and Feedback / Refresh MTP Devices do not work in 11.4
« on: October 30, 2021, 21:16:47 »,4176.0.html
Also when trying refresh from Rootr, it just don't work anymore. Always i need to use TC or Windows Explorer for a simple offline installation of the beta version of mapfactor navigator on android....

Beta Releases / Re: version 11.3 BETA (Last updated 28-Aug-21)
« on: August 31, 2021, 21:50:31 »
It seems that the loading of Tab Sessions go now very much faster, also when programs open which this process slowing very much down. This programs slowing dwn yet, but no more so much.
Eh ? I don't understand.. what is slower ?
I posted this already after other releases and i made some threads about the problem: "Loading Tab sessions is to slow because of some reasons or also without any reason".

But now is the speed very much faster than before. It seems that something which was slowing down the speed was removed. :)

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