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Messages - Mathias (Author)

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Documentation / Re: Missing Documentation - Status
« on: May 19, 2024, 08:55:18 »
I discovered TabSessions by myself, so I am not quite aware of what exists about this.
Can you confirm the documentation is still missing ?
I imagine the preferred format is HTML ?
Any stylesheet ready ? Right that for this I can have a look in the existing pages.
Yes lots of things missing from doc. Writing doc takes a lot of time. and my free time is a bit limited. So When I get time to spend time on MC it is bug fixes and new things that gets the prio.

The documentation is on GitHub.

But there no good offline reader for them, The pages are not complete html pages. Only HTML content, since they are on the website inserted into the template used and so..
Only offline reader is if you got Python then you open Phyton as a webserver with index.html and browse to it using browser.

Beta Releases / Re: v14.0 BETA
« on: May 18, 2024, 23:21:00 »
Hi Mathias,

in latest beta there is a small glitch. Should be on the same level, or not? Possible to fix?

What is the issue ?

Support and Feedback / Re: How to Drop&Run?
« on: May 17, 2024, 20:00:47 »
When you drag a file onto an executable file (e.g., a .exe file) in Windows Explorer, Windows passes the full path of the dragged file as a parameter to the executable.

For example, if you have a file named example.txt located at C:\Users\User\Documents\example.txt and you drag this file onto an executable named processfile.exe, the executable will receive the file path as an argument.

When you drag example.txt onto processfile.exe and run it, the output will look something like this:

Argument 0: C:\Path\To\Executable\processfile.exe
Argument 1: C:\Users\User\Documents\example.txt

argv[0] is the path to the executable itself, and argv[1] is the path to the dragged file. If multiple files are dragged, they will be passed as additional arguments (argv[2], argv[3], etc.).

yes Arg1 is the first parameter to the program. argv0 is always the exe of the program it self. it is not something any program sent to it.

Beta Releases / Re: Copy to zip: skip all doesn't work.
« on: May 17, 2024, 14:45:54 »
I just double click on part 1 of the rar-set. If I don't use MC I get the PW dialog as expected. 

Hmm strange.. I can Navigate into the rar (multi rar archive). select files,  select copy.  asked for password.. enter password. and copy continues..
Not sure what is different.

yes search settings should be remembered

Thanks for info Mathias.
Could it be related to the build of RAR that was used to create the set?
I'll see if I have some old files & try them.
It might be if it is fully encrypted with encrypted files name or just the data.. with only data it can open the rar for browsing without password..

Support and Feedback / Re: How to Drop&Run?
« on: May 17, 2024, 14:04:57 »
I see. Is that possible to use Alt or Shift as the modifier key? They are not used, right?
Please consider to follow the parameter convention. Currently, my programs can not recognize the file path.
Not sure what you talking about parameter convention..  The dropped file are sent as a parameter to the file it is dropped on. just like you would call it on the command line.
App.exe <Path of dropped file>

Beta Releases / Re: Copy to zip: skip all doesn't work.
« on: May 17, 2024, 12:39:27 »
I just double click on part 1 of the rar-set. If I don't use MC I get the PW dialog as expected. 

Hmm strange.. I can Navigate into the rar (multi rar archive). select files,  select copy.  asked for password.. enter password. and copy continues..
Not sure what is different.

yes search settings should be remembered

Thanks for info Mathias.
Could it be related to the build of RAR that was used to create the set?
I'll see if I have some old files & try them.
or maybe some rar settings

Support and Feedback / Re: How to Drop&Run?
« on: May 17, 2024, 10:17:17 »
Drop to run in filelist conflict with the Copy and replace feature.. (Drag file to replace another)

Beta Releases / Re: Copy to zip: skip all doesn't work.
« on: May 15, 2024, 19:43:58 »
I just double click on part 1 of the rar-set. If I don't use MC I get the PW dialog as expected. 
Normally doing this in MC would also bring up the PW dialog, now CTD & MC restart.  Tried again now on different set & got  1914-I115CF error.
Sent the error report.

In the Search Dialog shouldn't selections be persistent?  I'm seeing file content check boxes lose the selection between uses. Or is this a change I've not noticed?

Sorry to be creating work for you Mathias...  ;)

Hmm strange.. I can Navigate into the rar (multi rar archive). select files,  select copy.  asked for password.. enter password. and copy continues..
Not sure what is different.

yes search settings should be remembered

Beta Releases / Re: v14.0 BETA
« on: May 15, 2024, 17:06:21 »
Hi Mathias,

Is it possible to increase dimensions of Copy/Move window to fit, for example, full Polish translation? The same for "Advanced >>" button.
Please see the screenshot.

See if i can make them a little bigger. else maybe translate to something shorter that mean the same ;)

Beta Releases / Re: Copy to zip: skip all doesn't work.
« on: May 15, 2024, 16:53:52 »
Could it be because it is a spanned .rar with pw? 
Error  1914-Y114TW in FSRAR.DLL (report sent)

Tested with rar that is splitted into mutliple files... it worked for me.
How do you unpack/copy the content from it ?

Beta Releases / Re: Copy to zip: skip all doesn't work.
« on: May 15, 2024, 06:20:23 »
Could it be because it is a spanned .rar with pw? 
Error  1914-Y114TW in FSRAR.DLL (report sent)
Maybe.. I will check

Beta Releases / Re: Copy to zip: skip all doesn't work.
« on: May 14, 2024, 22:05:34 »
Sorry for the delayed reply Mathias. 
I did see the comment about error handling changes, so far that seems improved in speed & relevance. I should have added the crash ID above but I did send the report in.
I get a crash when trying to browse encrypted archives now, previously I would be asked for the PW - MC doesn't get to that now.  Crash  ID 1914-E114RS

This dialog & selection do not work, skip all = skip.

**whilst typing this a new build has appeared  ;D
Thanks Mathias, skip all working now, .rar with PW not working.

Something special with your rar archive ? for me it ask for pwd once. and then it unpack all files .

Support and Feedback / Re: Multi Commander stays in background
« on: May 14, 2024, 15:39:54 »
I never seen that. In what situations is it happening. Is is reproducible ?

Beta Releases / Re: Copy to zip: skip all doesn't work.
« on: May 13, 2024, 12:33:24 »
Thanks for the reply Mathias.
I was trying to sync a folder & had some matching files; dialog opens asks for input - skip overwrite etc, clicked skip all & it immediately opened the same dialog for every next matching file. I.e. skip all isn't working for me.  Using the portable MC I was able to complete the operations normally.

...& I have just tried a regular copy operation of dissimilar files & MC 3007 CTD'd, error report dialog opened & then also crashed.  ??? :o

I can use the current portable build OK. This seems to be related to this build as it is new behaior since the update. Guess I will try fresh install also.

** managed to get the error dialog to stay up, fault in MultiCommander.exe, report sent.

Yes as it say in change log for the beta.. Lots of changes around error handling. Problem is that people do not report errors.

You can now defines in advance what overwrite option you want and it will never ask you... if you select skip 'all there'. do that work ?

did it send crash report. any crash id ?

Beta Releases / Re: Copy to zip: skip all doesn't work.
« on: May 11, 2024, 18:41:01 »
Same issue but not just for archives, drive to drive copy / move also affected. v14 b3007 W11 x64

I'm not able to update anything ATM, pdf, jpg, rar, zip etc all fail with the skip all failing to persist error. Bit of a problem when trying to back up stuff....   :(
I also noticed some strange behavior with rar crashing MC under some circumstances.  Will try to repeat it & send in a report.

Is it best to revert builds or is a fix due soon?  I can use the portable! Duh!  ;D
Can you give a example when skip does all does not work. what Overwrite options is active.. "Ask" ? so it ask. or "Skip all" so it should auto skip them ?

Support and Feedback / Re: FourCC column shows nothing
« on: May 07, 2024, 13:55:04 »
MC is using Windows Property system for getting Meta data for some of the properties. And "FourCC" is one of them. So look like Windows do not support getting all meta data from .mkv files. mp4 and some other formats works.

Support and Feedback / Re: Hotkey to compare folders-advanced
« on: May 05, 2024, 09:37:39 »
You can assign a hotkey for that command.. all command you see in the menu you can assign keys for

In Keyboard customization,  select "Explorer Panel" as module.. and "Global" as category.. then at the bottom of the list you should find it

Support and Feedback / Re: Hotkey to compare folders-advanced
« on: May 01, 2024, 12:31:04 »
In the current beta for next version 14.x it will remember the settings you used last time

That path is actually not extra long, it is less then 260 characters..
BUT I think you are using the wrong command type.
you are using say you use "external" type of command.. And then you use "MC.Explorer.Goto" that is for custom commands..  External is if you want to run a external program. the entire command is to Windows to launch it.
So then you cannot use any MC specific commands link MC.Exporer.Goto and such.

So if you change type to "Custom commands" instead it should work
Or if you want it to run an external program. then just have the path there without the MC.Explorer.Goto.. then Windows will start the .pdf with the program associated with pdf

Copy using Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V then MC will not handle the copy, the copy / paste command is sent to Windows, and it handle everything. So MC is waiting for the call to windows to Paste to complete.

To bad not a Crash Dumps is sent. That is the only way to see what module in Windows that is crashing..

Hmm strange
Do you have some none standard columns enabled.. so it need to read the files to show the data for them ?
Attribute column should not cause it to download them, but if you for example have a column showing Image Size. or similar that needs to read the file content to show the data. then it might happen.

Hmm Only exe  hmm Maybe it is when it gets icon for exe file. But there should be check in that the file is a placeholder and not load it then. Hmm I will check..

Im not able to recreate that. If I access a file from onedrive folder that is a only a placeholder folder (fake file that is not synced to local) then Windows will download that file and MC can then access it. That file and not all others.
I have not seen that ALL files is getting download if you only try to access one of them.  I'm not able to recreate that scenario.

Can you create a step by step description on how to trigger it ?

Bug #1
When using 64x64 Thumbnail Mode, the 'Right-Click Menu Keyboard Key' (I have that as a special key on my Dell keyboard next to the Function Key (it's a laptop)) doesn't open the Right-Click Menu sometimes. On 96x96 Thumbnail Mode it's functional & works always in Detailed List Mode though :D . If you could fix this in a future update that'd be great !
P.S: I was able to pinpoint+replicate the issue:: It happens when the caret is on the first item 'Move To Upper (Empty Arrow) Directory' thumbnail, if you move the caret to an actual File\ Folder & then switch between Tabs, the Right-Click Menu appears ! So there's a prob /w the caret being on the first item 'Move To Upper (Empty Arrow) Directory' box initially. If you want a screenshot to demonstrate I can do so …  ;D
P.P.S: It works sometimes, doesn't work other times !  :'(
<~~ Nvm I fixed this by checking 'Show Context Menu on '..' Item" !!

Bug #2
I don't see the 'Keyboard Customization' hotkey for 'Switching Tabs': that is, I don't see the Ctrl+Tab and the Ctrl+Shift+Tab for moving backwards and forwards between Tabs listed there. I want to change the hotkey to Ctrl+Page Down and Ctrl+Page Up that's why.  :D

Bug #3
When I use the " -AutoRun=AutorunCmd" command-line parameter in the MC shortcut (to View the Full Pane), my Tabs get reset and there's only 1 tab !!  :( I have the shortcut running as Admin, maybe that has something to do with it ?
<~~ Nvm this is working too, I accidentally wrapped the [Shortcut Properties] path within double quotes —that's why it reset the Tabs !!  :D

#2 Not a bug. just an not implemented feature.
Some keys are not able to be changed. But you should be able to create a own command that call that command and assign to custom keys (unless that key is hard coded)
But the default variant will still be there too

I have been doing more tests and I have discovered that it fails by doing the following:
- Copies and movements using drag&drop within the same panel.
- Copy and move using CRTL-C & CRTL-V
These two fail quite often.

Copies and movements between different panels only fail using drag&drop.
I cannot recreate any issue with drag and drop copy.  What are special with how you do it? Something that are unique for you system.  ?
Do you drag from special device and drop on other special. ? Is it just from normal file on disk to another folder on another drive?

Beta Releases / Re: Copy to zip: skip all doesn't work.
« on: April 15, 2024, 07:44:14 »
This post is moved to Beta Version section
Since it is about the auto handing of error, and that had major changes in the Beta..

Yes Zip and some other extension do not support the new error handing yet.

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