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Messages - Mathias (Author)

Pages: 1 ... 172 173 174 175 [176] 177 178 179 180 ... 184
Support and Feedback / Re: Multi Commander and Rainbow Folders
« on: January 02, 2012, 11:37:16 »
Multi Commander is not reading the desktop.ini file. And right now there is not plan to change that.
However a similar feature like rainbow folders is in the table to be included into Multi Commander in the future.

Support and Feedback / Re: copy past and file/folder permisions
« on: December 23, 2011, 10:37:57 »
Permissions are not copied. But it is high up on the list of features to add.

This is a common problem with zip.

The problem is that Zip is an old format and in its base format it only support characters in codepage 437.
And this code page does not have any localized characters.

Some program forces localized name into zip. But that creates a bounce of other problem. Like the zip archive can fail to unpack if you try to unpack it on a system with a different language that it was packet on.

Zip has extended its support to include UTF8. But very few program support that.

MultiCommander is following the standard an assumes that the characters are in CodePage 437.
But maybe there should be a way to override.

And/Or  Send me a archive (zip ?? ) with localized file names.

Bird ?. I did not think that birds had languages

What archive format are you using ?

A screeenshot might help

Support and Feedback / Re: Sort by attribute not working?
« on: December 16, 2011, 17:49:01 »
There is a bug with attribute sorting in current version. But it is fixed so the next version will sort by attribute better

In what situation is it slow ? Normally it should be faster then Windows.

Copying HD to USB Memory Stick has an issue that in default mode it can be a bit slow. But tweaking the read/write stratergy will change that.

Support and Feedback / Re: Tree View Font Size
« on: December 11, 2011, 16:22:42 »
It should use the same font and size that are set for the list view, but it looks like it has been broken.

I will put it on the list of things to fix.

Support and Feedback / Re: I like the registry functionality!!
« on: December 10, 2011, 15:34:16 »

If you find that you wish you could do something with the registry. Let me know and I might be able to add that feature.

That is very strange.

All tests I do here, it works.  Don't really know why it does not work for you. It should.

NTFS vs FAT only matters when comparing using time. There might be some daylight saving or timezone stuff effecting the FAT32 time.
because some files look to have an diff of exact 1h.. (but not sure since seconds is not shown)

If it is the same MultiCommander.exe that is started it should stack them unless you change some option in Windows 7 telling it not to.

The default behavior in Windows 7  is to stack them. It is possible for window to opt out if that. And the only window that does that are the Copy progress windows and FileViewer window.

but the Main window should always be stack.
Unless Windows settings preventing it or if the two instances are not the same .exe from the same path.

Support and Feedback / Re: User commands, hotkeys
« on: December 05, 2011, 19:19:45 »
Thanks ..

I will take a look at it.

Support and Feedback / Re: Keyboard File Select
« on: December 04, 2011, 15:22:23 »
You can configure how keys typed in the explorer windows should be handled.

Menu > Configuration > Explorer Panel Settings > (tab) Layout > Keyboard Handling

You can tweak that in different way.
For example if you enable Quick Search, And set Search Keys to "letters only" and disable the search field.
You can start to type something and the focus item will move to the matching item.

If using the search filed. you can also move up/down to next matching file using arrow keys.

Feature Requests and Suggestions / Re: language.
« on: December 04, 2011, 15:14:28 »
Since Multi Commmander is free there is no money to buy translations.

So new languages are only going to be added if someone is creating a translations them self.
And then sending me the language files, I will then include them into the next version.

(A tool for helping with creating translations is included with Multi Commander)

- Mathias

Support and Feedback / Re: File operations
« on: December 02, 2011, 14:31:58 »
Did some tests on Windows XP. But was not able to get any errors.

Support and Feedback / Re: File operations
« on: December 02, 2011, 11:36:45 »
2. Not sure if I understand what the problem is.. You get an error message when doing 'take ownership' on a file that you already are owner on ???
Yes. You're right. I was confused when tried it several times, because other admin-functions worked well. But then i applied it on the file which had other owner and got success.

Im not able to make it fail here. Might be a XP only issue. Will check XP later

Support and Feedback / Re: File operations
« on: December 02, 2011, 10:47:37 »
1. I will investigate that

2. Not sure if I understand what the problem is.. You get an error message when doing 'take ownership' on a file that you already are owner on ???

Script / Re: Toggle filter function
« on: November 26, 2011, 10:53:30 »
Va none beta version of 1.2.1 is planed for this weekend. (today or tomorrow)

Script / Re: Toggle filter function
« on: November 22, 2011, 20:11:56 »
In the latest Beta RC (874)

this can work now.

Code: [Select]
@var $filter = "-*.log"
@var $currentFilter;
$currentFilter = $__CMDRESULT;

if(StrIsEqual($currentFilter, $filter))
  MC.Explorer.SetViewFilter FILTER="*.*"
  MC.Explorer.SetViewFilter FILTER={$filter}

Latest Beta RC (874) should work better.

Feature Requests and Suggestions / Re: Create New Tab on Double click
« on: November 22, 2011, 19:00:25 »
I been planing something like that. So it is coming.. :)

Support and Feedback / Re: File Verifier (checksums)
« on: November 22, 2011, 18:47:42 »
1. Fixed (Build 874)

2. Fixed (Build 874)

3. Can not reproduce this. But have fixed a couple of gui issue. So that maybe fixed it.

4. Double click now works and context menu option for it added ( Build 874 )

Support and Feedback / Re: File Verifier (checksums)
« on: November 22, 2011, 15:27:46 »
1. Ahh okey. Will take a look

2. Ahh multilanguage text for that text is missing..OKey will fix

3. That strange. That worked before. I will have a look.

4. Yes entering checksum for manual compare are a bit tricky. Click and wait is what it is called. I been planing to redesign the whole thing for a while so because of that I have not wanted to waste time changing sometime that would be change again soon.
But maybe I just add an "Edit Checksum" option to context menu for easier editing.

Feature Requests and Suggestions / Re: Develop all nodes
« on: November 22, 2011, 15:19:48 »
So if you stand in C:\ in the FolderTree view it should expand the entire drive ?

That feature was left out on purpose, because it can have some really strange effect on the program with lockup and other stuff. in situation where you got lot of files and subfolders.

Support and Feedback / Re: File Verifier (checksums)
« on: November 21, 2011, 22:08:02 »
1. Don't really understand what you are doing.

You create two md5 files. and then test them without the actual files there. ?

2. The value copied is the "Calculated" value. if it is empty

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